Dienstag, 11. September 2007

Left-wing-Hoax or Leak-Desaster???

Kategorische Dementi durch "Feldgrau"-Olmert und Mahmoud "The Undertaker" Abbas bezüglich eines Berichts der Maan-Nachrichtenagentur, eine israelische Quelle habe ihr die folgenden 8 Basispunkte der "Declaration of Principles" zugespielt. Das nicht gekennzeichnete Dokument wurde am Abend durch eine "palästinensische Quelle" bestätigt.

Der Inhalt: # The Israeli and Palestine Liberation Organization leaderships agree to immediately begin a process that, once completed, will produce two states living side by side, Israel and Palestine, and formulate a document of principles to reach understandings of the type listed below:

1. Israel will end the occupation of the West Bank within an agreed timeframe. The withdrawal and evacuation of settlements will be carried out gradually and in several stages. All evacuated territory will be transferred to the Palestinian Authority, which will impose law and order. The existence of a leadership in the Gaza Strip that is prepared to be part of the peace process will enable Israel to view the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a single entity.
2. A demilitarized Palestinian state will be established, and its borders will be determined on the basis of the 1967 lines. The exact border will reflect security needs, the demographic reality, and humanitarian conditions. Territory will be exchanged on a 1:1 ratio in order to retain the settlement blocks in Israeli hands, and ensure Palestine's territorial continuity as well as the possibility of its economic development.
3. Jerusalem will be two capitals, of the State of Israel and the State of Palestine. The Jewish neighborhoods shall be under Israeli sovereignty and the Arab neighborhoods shall be under Palestinian sovereignty. The two municipal authorities will cooperate in order to allow quality of life for all its residents.
4. Special arrangements will be implemented in order to ensure free access to all holy places for the members of the various religious. A special regime will be established in order to preserve the attachment of both nations to the holy sites within Jerusalem's Old City.
5. Palestine will be recognized as the national home of the Palestinian people and Israel will be recognized as the national home of the Jewish people.
6. A just and agreed solution to the Palestinian refugee problem will be formulated, through consideration for and recognition of the suffering that has been caused them, as well as the understanding that the realization of self-determination represents the principle part of the solution.
7. Both sides will declare their readiness to end the conflict and will act to increase public support on both sides for this agreement as much as possible. The sides will also act, to the best of their abilities, together and individually, against all forms of violence and terror directed from the territory of one state upon its neighbor.
8. Both sides view this agreement as a meaningful implementation of the principles of the Arab League peace initiative, and call on the League to take operative steps in order to bring about its full implementation. In addition, the sides call on the states and organizations of the Quartet and international community to guarantee, and assist in various ways, the advancement and implementation of an agreement based on these principles.

A document based on principles similar to the aforementioned should be formulated prior to the international summit in November, presented during the summit, and anchored in international decisions following it. Immediately following the international summit, in parallel to the negotiations toward a detailed agreement, Israel will begin withdrawing troops and settlements from territory in the West Bank. The completion of the staged withdrawal shall be carried out parallel to the completion of the negotiations.

[Das Büro von Olmert hat iÜ nicht seine besten Tage. Manchmal schweigt es einfach zu existierenden Dingen und der obigen Geschichte wird die Existenz abgesprochen. Dabei stehts doch hier schwarz auf weiss!]

Auch in der Nachbetrachtung des heutigen Anschlags auf die army-base bei Kibbutz Zikkim zeigt sich Olmert zögerlich. Aussenministerin Livni war im speichelleckenden Beisein von Bernard Kouchner vorgeprescht und hatte eine Verschärfung der verschärften Gegenmaßnahmen "Qassam-Beschuß" angekündigt. Der Premier hatte jedoch Zurückhaltung geübt. Grund dafür ist das es jemandem aus seinem Umfeld gedämmert hat das Israels Aktion in Syrien ein strategisches Desaster darstellt. Nach einem jüngsten CNN-Bericht haben sich alte Spekulationen erübrigt: The Israel Air Force jets that allegedly infiltrated Syrian airspace early last Thursday apparently bombed an Iranian arms shipment that was being transferred to Hizbullah, CNN reported Tuesday. Für einen Zwei-Frontenkrieg sind die israelischen Streitkräfte nicht gerüstet. Für ein "Loch in der Wüste" riskiert Olmert erneut das Leben israelischer Zivilisten. Symbolische Kommandoeinsätze sollen den verlorenen Respekt der Feinde gegenüber der Kraft der Streikräfte übertünchen. Dem "Militär-Flügel" kommt diese Situation des hilflosen Olmert eben recht. Barak-Netanjahu-IDF und schon gar keine Rechten glauben das man an einer Militäroffensive nicht vorbei kommt. Den Zeitpunkt aber bestimmen sie. Der Kleinkrieg geht weiter: 2 Qassam-Raketen heute Abend, Luftwaffe unternimmt Gegenschlag. Den vogel hat aber heute ein anderer abgeschossen: Israel Defense Forces officers said Tuesday evening that the level of fortification at the Zikkim basic training base is adequate in comparison to that of other places surrounding the Gaza Strip. Also keinerlei Schutz. Danke. Hier noch der Orginal-CNN-Bericht: Sources confirm Israeli airstrike on Syria und dazu Amos Harel: It appears that Israel's response to a Qassam rocket attack on an Israel Defense Forces base in the northern Negev early Tuesday, which left at least 66 soldiers wounded, will likely be limited, due mainly to recent tensions with Syria. It is Israel's policy at this time not to invest too many resources in Gaza, the source of the Qassam rockets, when these resources could potentially be required should conflict erupt in the north.

New UN report highlights conflict over resources in West Bank +++++ In Jenin werden am Dienstag Morgen 7 Palästinenser durch marodierende IDF-Soldaten verletzt. +++++ Wie üblich wird das Projekt "Bewegungsfreiheit der Palästinenser" zu Beginn der jüdischen Feiertage durch die vorzügliche Feiertagsgeste des "complete closure" bereichert. ++++ Im israelischen Radio: In the past year, Israel has dismantled most of the roadblocks and temporary barriers in the West Bank, a senior officer in the IDF's Central Command said Tuesday. "In most of the area, Palestinian traffic is flowing and there is an improvement in the economy," he said, adding that the remaining roadblocks were "critical for security needs." [Das war KEINE Satire-Sendung!] +++++ Im Gaza-Streifen wird das Haus von "Gefangenen-Minister" Ashraf Ajrami [Fatah-Ramallah] von EF-Truppen gestürmt und wohl auch gelootet. +++++

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