Montag, 3. September 2007

Editorials + Co.

UN: Peace is hampered by West Bank growth - The humanitarian outlook for the 2.3 million Palestianians is 'dismal' if the rising numbers of Israeli settlers are not curbed, says a hard-hitting report. +++++ Police recommend charging former finance minister Hirschson [Kadima] und Zelekha has got to go +++++ Text von Regis Debray +++++ Gideon Levy: Children of war +++++ Erlanger: West Bank boys survive on Israeli settlers' garbage +++++ Exclusive for Compulsive Readers: A bruised reed - Uri Avnery +++++ Nach der Berufung zum Dekan eines Krankenpflege-Colleges durch Mahmoud Abbas wird Jamil al-Masri und zwei seiner Mitarbeiter von der Hamas verhaftet +++++ Nicht zuordenbar ist der Tod eines 30-jährigen Palästinensers in Khan Younis. Entweder Opfer einer Familienfahde, oder einer Fatah-Hamas-Fehde. +++++ Ein Artikel zum Demokratieabbau durch die ramallahnischen Notstandsthugs +++++ Analyse: Recent concerns that Hamas might profit from revenues of the Gaza power company prompted the European Union (EU) to cut funding to the plant. Parts of Gaza were plunged into the dark for several days until the EU agreed to resume its fuel payments.

Joharah Baker: Walking in Palestinian Shoes +++++ Palestinian Trade Stiffed by Israeli Control von Laura McInnis +++++ Jeff Halper: There is No Correct Way to be Pro-Israel +++++ David Cronin: Palestinians Poorer than Ever

3 Kommentare:

Compulsive Reader hat gesagt…


Compulsive Reader hat gesagt…

Hey, I just noticed the video. Have you listened to the Neurosis/Jarboe album? I'm big SWANS fan, but I feel that this was some kind of poor replica of the Swans Are Dead/Soundtrack For The Blind era sound. Hardly Neurosis. Maybe only 4 good songs out of 8.

Shual hat gesagt…

Jaboe is very dominant, yes. "Within - Music from the delivery room"

Well, it IS fascinating to see them work together, even one can not see a sense in Jaboe performing Patty Smith songs live with Neurosis and other things. [Permanent identity crisis, I guess, but I don't care]. I never liked "all" the songs of them, cause all songs are from Neurosis. But to see those folks work together gives me a great feeling.