Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2007

B'Tselem: The siege on the Gaza Strip


Zusammenfassungen dieses blutigen Tages. Zivilisten - Milizionäre. Derzeit beschießen palästinensische Milizen Sderot. In der letzten halben Stunde 4 Einschläge.

Im politischen Bereich äußert Sonnenkönig Abbas gegen über Yossi Beilin, Meretz in Ramlaah die Ansicht das ein Friedensvertrag der zu einer Staatsgründung führen könnte zwischen Israel und der PLO innerhalb eines Jahres möglich wäre. [Technisch ja.] Er äußert zudem die Absicht nach dem Ablauf seiner Amtszeit NICHT mehr für eine neue Amtsperiode zur Verfügung zu stehen. Die jetzige dauert etwa bis Januar 2009. ++++ Hundreds of Palestinian refugees and their supporters organized protests, on Thursday, all over the West Bank in front of the United Nations Relief Work Agency – UNRWA- offices due to the cuts in aid and funding money to the Palestinian refugees. The protesters held slogans demanding that the Agency stop cutting funds, and to instead keep aiding the Palestinian refugees. Adnan Ajrami, the head of the popular committees in the refugee camps in the West Bank which organized the protests, said the move today is to warn the UNRWA to stop its cuts. The UNRWA announced that starting in August, there will be no Medical financial support for some health conditions, such as miscarriage cases (in which the family has to pay 50 % of the cost) and X-ray Photos (in which the refugees have to pay the full cost), in addition of raising the amount of money that the refugee has to pay for medical treatments in the UNRAW clinics to 5%. Those cuts will increase the economical hardships that Palestinian refugees are facing, especially with the deteriorating financial situation of the Palestinians due to the continuous Israeli military occupation of Palestinian areas. [Prinzip: Bolster Abbas with Guns - Cut Humanitarian Aid]. ++++ Navy Chief Ben Ba'ashat announces resignation [over Lebanon-war-failure]

Libanon: "Although French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner will arrive in Beirut on Friday evening, no plan has been set for the next round of dialogue between feuding political leaders." Mittlerweile Häuserkäumpfe in Nahr el-Bared.

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