Freitag, 22. Juni 2007

Verschwör - Verschwör

"Whether it was conspiracy or collapse, Fatah’s downfall in Gaza has created an unexpected opportunity for Israel, the United States and others to re-establish full relations with Abbas and the pro-Western emergency cabinet he’s installed to replace the elected, Hamas-dominated Palestinian government."


"Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas sacked a top security chief on Friday who commanded the forces routed by Hamas in Gaza last week, officials said." [Wir beachten bitte die Abwesenheit von Dahlan über 50 Tage und "Gaza strongman Mohammed Dahlan, who had been Fatah's main hope for fending off Hamas, was on extended leave in Egypt for a knee injury, and even before then, had spent much of his time dabbling in West Bank politics. Fatah's top security official for Gaza, Rashid Abu Shbak, moved to the West Bank last month after Hamas attacked his home in Gaza. He joined one of Dahlan's lieutenants, Samir Masharawi, who had already set up house in Ramallah several months earlier. The local Fatah chiefs left in Gaza didn't have enough experience to fill the void."]. ..

Vorgeschichte: "Abbas had rejected an offer from Abu Shbak to resign a month ago over a feud with a minister [Hani al-Qawasmi] of the defunct national unity government, and as factional fighting between Hamas and Fatah escalated into full-scale gun battles on Gaza's streets." "Abu Shbak was coming under a lot of criticism from Hamas and they wanted him removed in order to control security in the PA (Palestinian Authority)," a Palestinian security source said. "He felt that if security is to be achieved without him in his position, he would resign," the source added.

Mehr und noch mehr.

Jetzt denken wir nochmal zurück an die recht similare Situation 2004. "The wave of abductions [Entführungen, fractional-clashes, etc] in turn brought about a quick series of events. To begin with, the heads of Gaza’s Intelligence (Amin el Hindi) and Preventative Security (Rashid Abu Shbak -As for Abu Shbak, the entire raison d’etre of the ‘Preventative Security Service’ which he oversaw was to spy on other Palestinians, and acted as the primary apparatus to imprison the political opposition to Oslo between 1994-2000-.) branches immediately resigned.." Und da finden wir eben jenes "mysteriöse" "Thinking this to be just another internal power struggle in need of sufficient maneuvering, Arafat promptly declared the dissolving of the former security apparatuses, their condensing into three bodies (the Police, General Security and Intelligence), and designated his cousin (Musa Arafat) as head of General Security in Gaza. The approach of trading portfolios amongst the same clique of loyalist is a typical Arafatist survival technique, but one that this time would quickly explode in his face." mit den entsprechenden Ergebnissen: "This time however, there was no resistance waged from the compound as the attackers freed prisoners, took weapon’s caches, burned the office furniture and torched four office vehicles parked outside. A leaflet released by Al Aqsa Martyrs brigade soon afterwards took responsibility for the actions and announced “We proclaim the dissolving of the Military Intelligence in Khan Younis, as the Brigade’s fighters have taken over its headquarters”"

Dazu: Unter anderem die Vorgänge um die Affaire um Riad-al-Agha. ... Nun, man muß kein Verschwörungstheoretiker sein um aus dieser Suppe und dem Verhalten der Führung während des Konflikts eine Dahlan-Verschwörung gegen Grußonkel Abbas zu vermuten. Dahlan war iÜ lange Zeit im Mai in Deutschland. Finden wir es nicht etwas komisch, das so freizügig gleich nach dem "Putsch" der Hamas die Gelder fließen sollen und gar megaschnell die Angelegenheit vom UN-Sicherheitsrat abgesegnet werden sollte? Auch die kleinen Dinge, die das Leben schön machen [wie das ein Gefangenenaustausch Samstag Abend vor dem "Putsch" trotz Einwilligung der Hamas nich zu Stande kam weil die Fatah "Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten" zu Entführern -also ihren eigenen Leuten- in Feld führte].

Die Shabak-Entlassung war der Deckel auf den Topf. Der hat für Dahlan erstmal genug getan und darf sich ausruhen. Ich persönlich? Glaube nicht daran. :-) Andere? Glauben anderes.

Update: Wir im oberen Teil Prinzipien: Je mehr von Dahlan inszenierte, oder geduldete Gewalt desto mächtiger wird er. Kritiker werden hart bekämpft. Die seltsam schnelle westliche Reaktion, oder sagen wir lieber die Amerikaner deartig schnellen Amerikaner lassen sehr wohl annehmen darf das es Kontakte im Mai zwischen Dahlan und ihnen gegeben hat.

Die andere Seite ist die Reaktion der Hamas, die plötzlich Ende Mai einer führungslosen Fatah gegenüber steht, jedoch in eine Eskaltion mit der IDF gerät. Die al-Haya-Situation war nur eine von vielen, Sderot stand unter Dauerbeschuß und auf Hamas-Seite starben die Offiziere wie die Fliegen. Man darf ruhig behaupten, das die Hamas von Dahlan eingeladen wurde den Ausweg aus der nicht gewinnbaren Konfliktsituation mit der IDF über die schnelle Eroberung des Gazastreifens zu nehmen. Die israelischen Angriffe hörten sofort auf.

Link jedoch weil die Demokratische Peacenik-Bewegung Palästinas [Fatah] neue demokratische Formen testet: "Meanwhile, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas authorized the government to review all private organizations, a step that might enable him to shut down dozens of Hamas-allied groups in the West Bank. Abbas' decree asked the interior minister to review the legal status of all non-governmental organizations, or NGOs. It also gave these groups a week to re-register."

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