An der Grenze zwischen Israel und Gaza werden bei zwei separaten Luftangriffen vier bewaffnete Palästinenser getötet. Details folgen.
Eher nichtssagend Aussagen Ehud Olmerts, die als bahnbrechend verwertet werden. Die arabische Seite reagiert während und nach Annapolis mit der kalten Schulter: Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni failed in attempts to set up meetings in Annapolis or Washington with colleagues from the Arab world, even though the summit was designed to show international support for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Zudem formiert sich der Widerstand in der Diaspora: Even before Prime Minister Ehud Olmert returns to Israel, the question of world Jewry's involvement in the domestic debate here surrounding the Annapolis process, especially the issue of Jerusalem, is taking center stage. During two press briefings this week, Olmert stressed that international Jewish organizations have no right to intervene in Israeli government decisions on the peace negotiations. On the eve of the Annapolis summit, he said, "This question [the role of diaspora Jewry] was determined a long time ago, and the Israeli government has the sovereign right to negotiate on behalf of Israel." [Da es sich um Geldgeber des Israelprojekts handelt wird Olmert den Gegenwind bald zu spüren bekommen. Andererseits ist er für die demographische Zukunft Israels auf erfolgreiche Aliyah-Unternehmen in der Diaspora angewiesen. Und erneut ein Punkt der schlecht vorbereitet zu sein scheint.] Dazu Tom Segev, binational. PS: Dutch envoy to Annapolis: Arab FMs treated Livni like Dracula`s sister
Ein Kabinettsumbau deutet sich an: The Education Ministry released preliminary standardized test scores for 2006 on Wednesday and the results were not encouraging. On top of the poor results, Education Minister Yuli Tamir faced a political challenge as more than 40 MKs signed a petition calling for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to remove her from her post due to the current strike in universities and high schools.
Zvi Bar'el kommentiert: Fatah's violent dispersal of the Hamas rally against the Annapolis summit in Hebron attests to Mahmoud Abbas' determination to seal every crack Hamas might slip through. At the same time, it illustrates that the Palestinian Authority chairman is dealing with a time bomb. [Die Hamas hat mit der Hizb ut-Tahrir so viel am Hut wie amerikanische Evangelikale mit dem deutschen EKD-Vorsitz]
Lebanese Armed Forces Commander General Michel Suleiman came back into the spotlight as a serious contender for the presidency on Wednesday, after Future Movement MP Ammar Houri announced his bloc's acceptance of amending the Constitution to allow for his election. The announcement pointed to a change of heart on the part of Future Movement leader MP Saad Hariri, as Suleiman had long been a favorite candidate of the opposition. +++ UN officials investigating the killing of former Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri warned on Wednesday that those who carried out the attack still have the ability and resources to strike again in Beirut. In his latest report on the UN investigation into the assassination, Belgian Prosecutor Serge Brammertz said he had made progress on the Hariri investigation in recent months and was able to draw preliminary conclusions about important aspects and to identify more people involved.
Randa Takieddine "The Future of Franco-Syrian relations"
Hugh McLeod, "Right of return - an unbending faith - Palestinian refugees hold a key piece to Middle East puzzle"
Dion Nissenbaum, "4 main issues that divide Israelis, Palestinians"
Rafi Dajani, "Beyond Cynism, reasons for real hope"
Donnerstag, 29. November 2007
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