Freitag, 4. Januar 2008

Some kind of breaking news [IDF kills Two]

Über Nacht töten israelische Einheiten im Gazastreifen zwei weitere angehörige der Hamas. Details folgen.

Jetzt ist es wohl raus und aus der Nummer kommt Barak nicht mehr raus: Labor Party chief Ehud Barak is considering a call for early elections by the end of 2008 after the release of the final report of the Winograd Committee on the Second Lebanon War, expected in the next few weeks. Senior Labor officials told Haaretz Thursday that in recent days Barak, who is also defense minister, raised the idea during talks with other Labor ministers and MKs. Sources close to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said they expect him to reject any proposal for early elections, but cannot say what Olmert's stance will be following the release of the final report. Barak is expected next week to hold a meeting with a number of Labor MKs who have called on the party to leave the coalition government immediately after the release of the final report.

Government sources expect the report to be released in mid-January.

Vote for Barak!

PS: Die 8500-Mann starke Kuwait-Armee bestellt sich in Amerika 3,510 TOW-2 anti-Tank and 35 missile launchers. [Sehr sinnvoll] Und: Palestinian security forces uncovered a Hamas bomb-making laboratory in Nablus a week ago, where 33 kilograms of mercury and other materials used to make bombs were found, Palestinian sources said Thursday.

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