Freitag, 9. Mai 2008

Beirut toll at 18 + IDF kills Six + Hamas kills One + Settler kill One

Als erstes vergebe ich den Award für den dümmsten Artikel über die Lage in Beirut an die Herrschaften [wer hätts gedacht] von stü für "in den Straßen patroullierende Scharfschützen, die Beirut zum Schweigen bringen". Das Fachwissen auch hier sich auf Boulevard beschränkt [Der letzte Artikel über Beirut ging um plastische Genitalchirurgie] erkennt man in der Fotostrecke. Dort sieht man zwar keinen einzigen sniper dafür aber ein "In der linanesischen Hauptstadt". Wohl nicht verantwortlich ist die Autorin Irina Prentice, die von den Effekthaschern bei stü veralbert wurde.

*** Linanesien: At least 18 people have been killed and 38 wounded in three days of battles between pro-government gunmen and fighters loyal to Hezbollah, a Shi'ite movement with a powerful guerrilla army. [...] Lebanon's governing coalition, the March 14 Forces, accused Hizbullah of staging a military coup against the state and said that Hizbullah's arms have become illegitimate after they were used against their fellow Lebanese citizens. ... Arab foreign ministers are to hold an emergency meeting on Sunday on the Lebanon crisis amid fears about Iran's influence over the Shiite Hizbullah movement which seized control of west Beirut on Friday. [...] Militants allied with the opposition on Friday forced the shutdown of all media operations belonging to the family of majority leader and billionaire tycoon Saad Hariri. [...] The war is over. Hizbullah has taken control of West Beirut in one day of fighting, during which Hariri's amateur and untested militia proved no match for the highly trained and war hardened Hizbullah fighters. The outcome of this showdown was completely predictable. Anyone who expected the Lebanese Army to take on Hizbullah on behalf of the Sunni leaders of Beirut was dreaming. [...] Die im Forum erwähnte Fluchtbewegung auch Deutscher findet erneut über das positiv reagierende Syrien statt. Ich kann mir kaum vorstellen das isch das außenamt vorbereiter zeigt als das letzte Mal. + The French Embassy in Lebanon on Friday declared that its government's Foreign Ministry had "not yet proposed" or seriously considered the evacuation of French citizens living in Lebanon. [...] Newsticker [...] Hizbullah gunmen seized control of key parts of Beirut from Sunnis loyal to the U.S.-backed government Friday, a dramatic show-of-force certain to strengthen the Iranian-allied group's hand as it fights for dominance in Lebanon's political deadlock. [...] Mehr Infos auf der Propagandawebseite von General Aoun. [...] Heavily armed Hezbollah fighters seized control of large parts of west Beirut on Friday, patrolling the deserted streets in a show of force that underscored the Shiite militia's refusal to back down in its escalating confrontation with the American-backed government. [...] Christian Lebanese on both sides of the country's political divide largely stayed out of the fighting, and Christian neighborhoods of Beirut were not involved in the clashes. [...] Übersichtskarte.

Am Freitag Abend wird in Kfar Aza am Rand des Gazstreifens ein 48-jähriger israelischer Zivilist getötet und drei israelische Soldaten verletzt. Nach Angaben von Abu Obeida, Hamas-Militärsprecher ist die Hamas für den Angriff mit Mörsergranaten verantwortlich, man habe jedoch Militärpositionen attackiert. Eine Angabe die definitiv nicht richtig ist da der Israeli in/vor seinem Privathaus getötet wurde. Zuvor waren zwei Qassam-Raketen und vier Mörsergranaten vornehmlich auf Nazal Oz abgeschossen worden. Ein Serie anschließender und zur Zeit anhaltender Luftangriffe auf Hamas-Polizeistationen im Gazastreifen tötet nach derzeitigem Stand der Dinge fünf Hamasniks und verletzt "einige" weitere. Nach palästinensischen Angaben verstirbt ein Kämpfer des Islamic-Jihad am Freitag an den in dem Scharmützel in Abasan am Mittwoch erlittenen Verletzungen. [...] Palestinian witnesses say a Palestinian man has been shot dead in a clash with Israeli settlers. The incident occurred when two Palestinians opened fire at Israelis hiking in the Ein Yivrod region north of Ramallah, which is designated as Area B under terms of the Oslo Accords. The hikers, who were armed, spotted the armed Palestinians approaching the cave in which they were located. Eine wohl verantwortliche Zelle der Al-Aqsa-Brigaden jedoch behauptet der erschossene Mann und der Verhaftete wären nur Unbeteiligte gewesen und die eigentlichen Schützen wären wohlbehalten zurück gekehrt. [...] Some 100 settlers on late Thursday infiltrated the ruins of the evacuated West Bank settlement of Sa-Nur, in a stated attempt to rebuild it. Protesters were evacuated by security forces shortly after they entered. [...] The human rights organization B'Tselem on Friday repeated its call to the Israeli army’s Judge Advocate General to open a military police investigation into the death of five members of the Abu Me'tiq family in Beit Hanoun on 28 April.

Politisch? Null. The overwhelming view in Israel on Friday, just hours after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared his innocence in a bribery investigation involving a Long Island businessman, was that the post-Olmert political era had already begun. + Olmert probe shows the media really is the message. + Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is misleading the Israeli public by declaring that "significant progress" has been achieved in the peace talks with the Palestinians, Palestinian Authority officials claimed Thursday. They also expressed fear that Olmert's resignation would delay a peace agreement between the two sides. Null Politik.

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