Donnerstag, 27. März 2008

Updates - IDF kills One - Schmuggling kills One - Work accident kills One

Am gestrigen Mittwoch werden mit 17 Qassam-Abschüssen, zwei Verletzten israelischen Zivilisten, mehreren Schockopfern und einem Leichtverletzten in ein Haslosha durch palästinensisches Sniperfeuer die Aktivitäten nach einigen sehr ruhigen Tagen durch die palästinensischen Milizen hochgefahren. Zwar hält sich die Hamas dabei zurück, wird jedoch in dieser Situation zurecht verantwortlich gemacht werden. Die Mehrzahl der Attacken geht auf den Islamic Jihad zurück, aber auch PFLP und Fatah beteiligen sich. Die offensichtlich sehr schlecht verlaufenen Mediatorengespräche über Ägypten können für diese Eskalation keine Begründung, auch wenn eine zentrale Forderung der Einstellung der IDF-Aktivitäten in der Westbank nicht erfüllt wurde. Ein möglicher Hintergrund könnte auch die recht entscheidende Ankunft der amerikanischen Aussenministerin Condis Riceauflauf mit Quark sein in dessen Vorfeld Chefstratege Ehud "The Hun" Olmert, der größte israelische Feldherr aller Zeiten vor geladener Pressemeute Friedenswillen heuchelt. Entscheidend wird der Besuch da Rice eine Umkehr von der unten stehenden Erklärung von Mahmoud Abbas fordern wird, die Gespräche mit der Hamas zumindest in den Bereich der Möglichkeit bringt. ["Rice will meet Abbas in Amman on March 30 after the Arab summit in Damascus ends. She will then travel to Israel for talks with Olmert and return to Amman for further talks with President Abbas," a senior Abbas oficial said. "President Abbas will also visit Moscow on April 20 just before his Washington trip to discuss holding an Annapolis follow-up conference in Moscow in mid-June to push for further progress in Israeli-Palestinian talks," the official said.] ... Hamster in einem Laufrad sind wirklich putzige Tierchen. Bei Politikern sieht das albern aus.

Recht interessant, aber für die key-issues bedeutungslos das Ehud Barak ein System "Zuckerbrot und Peitsche" installieren möchte: Israeli officials said Wednesday that Defense Minister Ehud Barak has agreed to transfer police cars and ammunition to the Palestinians, and let thousands more West Bank residents work in Israel. Barak was to make Israel's position known in a meeting later Wednesday with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The defense minister announced on Tuesday that he has approved the entry of 600 Palestinian policemen into Jenin, where they will engage in routine law enforcement. The policemen are currently undergoing training in Jordan. According to Army Radio, Barak was also expected to tell Fayyad that Israel will supply the Palestinian Authority with 300 vehicles for use by senior officials in Ramallah and in the Palestinian security forces. He is also expected to approve permits for thousands of Palestinians to work within the Green Line. ... Israeli officials say despite these concessions, Barak will not agree to remove military checkpoints that severely hamper the movement of Palestinian people and goods in the West Bank - a major demand of the Palestinians as they try to make peace with the Israelis. ... The American officers responsible for monitoring Israeli and Palestinian compliance with the road map peace plan recently criticized the Palestinian Authority's counterterrorism efforts. [Kein Wunder das es nicht klappt, schließlich wurden die ja auch von Amerikanern trainiert.] Die Maariv hat jedoch ein anderes Bild der Barak-Aktion parat: Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak is under US pressure to offer Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad a package to show Israel's "good intentions" towards the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv reported on Wednesday. Kadura Fares in der Haaretz: Housing Minister Ze'ev Boim explained away the construction of 750 new housing units in the settlement of Givat Ze'ev by saying that the permits had been issued in 1999, but that construction had stopped due to, as he put it, the "outbreak of violence." That is, the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising. According to Boim, the contractors went to court, and as a result of their petition, the government ordered the construction's approval. Boim was talking, it seems to me, to Israelis and overseas leaders critical of the renewed construction. He did not notice that Palestinians were also listening to him.

In der Westbank selbst ändert sich wenig, wobei man die erfolgreiche Verhaftung von Omar Jabar [Hamas] durchaus begrüßen kann. Die Umstände weniger, vier zusätzliche Verhaftungen und das übliche Häuserdurchsuchen. In Orta wird nach Rot-Kreuz-Angaben von der IDF einem Jugendlichen in den Bauch geschossen und versucht ihn aus dem Krankenwagen zu verhaften.In der Nacht werden zusätzliche sieben Personen verhaftet, in der Stadt Jenin wird ein Gebäudekomplex mit shops gelootet. Am Nachmittag in Qaffin bei Tulkarem fünf Personen, darunter zwei Islamic-Jihad-Mitglieder.

Verschiedene Seitenopfer sind zu beklagen: In Ägypten stirbt ein Islamic-Jihad-Mitglied an Verletzungen der "Vilanis Shoaic Dimensions" Anfang März. [Sollte wohl gleich Part I schreiben.] Nach sechs Tagen Suche werden zwei Leichname in einem verschütteten Tunnel an der Rafah-Grenze gefunden. Ein israelischer Soldat stirbt nach gun cleaning accident.

14 Arab leaders heading to Damascus, Abdullah & Mubarak to boycott it. [Barak Ravid, der Kadima-Lügenbeutel bei der Haaretz läßt Mubarak ordentlich hetzen: "The situation that has developed in the Gaza Strip in recent months has led to Egypt in practice having a border with Iran," Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told a senior European diplomat about three weeks ago.] Besser: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said his country would be represented at the summit by its Minister for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Moufid Shehab. The decision came less than 24 hours after the Lebanese government decided to completely boycott the summit in protest against Syria's continued attempts to foil the election of a new Lebanese president. It also followed an announcement by Saudi Arabia that King Abdullah would also boycott the summit. The Saudis said they would be represented at the summit by their ambassador to the Arab League. Jordan's King Abdullah II, who maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, has also decided to boycott the summit. Nearly half of Arab leaders are scheduled to stay away from the summit in what is regarded by Arab political analysts as a "severe blow" to Syrian President Bashar Assad. [Alle die the great dick of the White House vorher mit seiner Anwesenheit beglückt hat. Das sehen auch die Syrer richtig so: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said his country would be represented at the summit by its Minister for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Moufid Shehab. The decision came less than 24 hours after the Lebanese government decided to completely boycott the summit in protest against Syria's continued attempts to foil the election of a new Lebanese president. It also followed an announcement by Saudi Arabia that King Abdullah would also boycott the summit. The Saudis said they would be represented at the summit by their ambassador to the Arab League. Jordan's King Abdullah II, who maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, has also decided to boycott the summit. Nearly half of Arab leaders are scheduled to stay away from the summit in what is regarded by Arab political analysts as a "severe blow" to Syrian President Bashar Assad. Ja, der dick... der kann halt nur Krieg.] Zvi Bar'el: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's concern about Iran's involvement in Gaza does not stem only from Hamas' growing military capabilities. Rather, his primary fear is that control over "Arab policy" - which has traditionally been dictated by Egypt and Saudi Arabia - will be taken over by Iran.

Das Schlußwort gehört heute einem weisen Lehrer in Rabbi-Uniform, der in seinem newsletter die komplette Weisheit seiner Gedankenkraft bündelt und in einem Anfall von Erleuchtung .... empfiehlt mal schnell die Kinder des Terroristen der die Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva attackiert hat am nächsten Baum aufzuhängen. [Idiot, der hatte doch gar keine Kinder.]

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