Unter massiver psychischer Gewaltandrohung versucht der amerikanische Präsident Bush im einklang mit seiner Aussenministerin Conids Riceauflauf mit Quark die Verhandlungen in Jerusalem voran zu treiben: Die Welt meldet Bush sei zuversichtlich, „dass Präsident Abbas und Ministerpräsident Olmert noch vor dem Ende meiner Präsidentschaft ein Abkommen unterzeichnen, das einen klar umrissenen palästinensischen Staat definiert“. Dieser könne dann „sofort Gestalt annehmen“, wenn die Bedingungen der „Road-Map“ erfüllt seien. Der erste Schritt aber müsse die klare Definition des palästinensischen Staates sein: „Ich hoffe, dass das gelingt. Und ich habe das optimistische Gefühl, dass es dazu kommt.“ Der US-Präsident verknüpfte dies mit der Hoffnung, dass ihn seine letzte Auslandsreise bis Januar 2009 schließlich nach Jerusalem führen werde. Dabei hat Bush sein Ziel doch schon erreicht, denn aufgrund der vielen Termine hat das israelische Aussenamt mittlerweile kein Geld mehr für die Unabhängigkeitsfeiern: There is no funding for overseas cultural events to mark Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations. The Foreign Ministry blames the Committee for Israel's 60th Independence Day Events, which has NIS 100 million at its disposal, but has decided not to allocate any funds for overseas events. Der Besuch von Riceauflauf mit Quark verläuft hingegen mäßig produktiv, wobei sie einer alten Forderung der Fatah nachkommt einen Zeitrahmen zu setzten. Vor dem nächsten Erweckungserlebnis von Bush im Mai in Jerusalem möchte sie erneut eine "draft declaration" von den verhandelnden Personen sehen. Ansatzweise werden kosmetische Ereignisse in Gang gesetzt: Israel and the Palestinians on Sunday agreed to a series of concrete steps aimed at paving the way for a final peace agreement later this year, beginning with an Israeli pledge to remove some 50 roadblocks in the West Bank, U.S. officials traveling with Rice said prior to the secretary of state's press conference. ... The statement said the Palestinians would soon deploy additional security forces in the West Bank town of Jenin, a hotbed of militant activity, and work to prevent terror. Last week, Barak said he had agreed to let the Palestinians deploy some 600 Jordanian-trained officers in Jenin. The statement also said the two sides agreed Sunday to take new steps to promote economic development in the West Bank. International Mideast envoy Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, is overseeing efforts to develop the West Bank economy to lay the groundwork for a future Palestinian state. Among the new measures are plans to build new housing for Palestinians in 25 villages, connecting Palestinian villages to the Israeli power grid and an agreement by Israel to allow larger numbers of Palestinian laborers and businessmen to work inside Israel. Ein deutschsprachiger Bericht hierzu. Die israelische Aussenministerin Lapalia Livni hingegen versucht mit staatstragenden Gedanken eine größere Peinlichkeit zu verdecken: Earlier Sunday, Foreign Minister Livni said that while Israel should begin work on plans on compensating settlers who may be evacuated from the West Bank in the future, it should not be enacted until a final peace deal has been reached with the Palestinians. "I think that someone who has settled in a certain place should be helped by the government to leave it in accordance with its priorities," she told reporters after talks in Jerusalem with Rice. "In principle, as one who went through the [2005 Gaza Strip] disengagement, I think that it is proper to work on this as early as possible." But she added that, "It appears to me that it is still too early, since no final borders have been defined in the negotiations, and it is therefore difficult to formulate this on the level of legislation," she stated. Nun schön das sie nach Monaten auch mal was zur Initiative zur Siedlerkompensation beitragen möchte. Alelrdings vermutet man bei ihr wohl richtig das sie mit Gedanken die einen künftigen Abzug im Jahr StNimmerlein diese Geschichte unter den Tisch kehren will: Four months since the Annapolis conference, the settlement freeze is dead, left-wing organization Peace Now claimed in a report released Monday.The report highlighted 101 instances of settlement construction that had taken place since December. It claimed that over 500 buildings were being built in the settlements, each of them including several housing units (east Jerusalem excluded). Peace Now said that approximately 275 of the buildings were new and 20 percent of the construction was being conducted in settlements east of the West Bank security barrier.
Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday slammed the defense ministry's decision to ease access and freedom of movement for West Bank Palestinians, saying there could be no substitute for Israeli control in the territory. Responding to the defense ministry's announcement, Netanyahu said: "Nobody, not even Abu Mazen [Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas], can do our job. If the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] leaves the territory, Hamas and Iran will come in." Netanyahu added that his Likud party would not agree to any agreement that would require the division of Jerusalem. "If an agreement of principles is made that includes a return to lines based on the '67 borders and the division of Jerusalem - we won't give out hands," he said. [Das jüdische Volk denkt wieder etwas ganz anderes: A total of 76 percent of Israeli Jews give some degree of support to transferring Israeli Arabs to a future Palestinian state, a poll commissioned by the Knesset Channel revealed, Monday. The poll, conducted over the Internet, included 668 adult Israeli Jews representing the entire political spectrum, cites a 3.7% margin of error. The poll asked participants whether as part of an agreement to establish a Palestinian state there would be justification to demand that Arabs with Israeli citizenship relocate to Palestinian territory. Only 24% were totally against the idea. Of the remaining 76%, 29% said all Israeli Arabs should relocate. An additional 19% said only Arabs living in close proximity to the Palestinian state should relocate, and 28% said transfer should be decided based on loyalty or disloyalty to the State of Israel. The data reflects Jewish Israelis' distrust of Arabs national priorities.]
Am Rande passiert Ehud Barak noch ein kleiner Fauxpas mit parteiinterner Breitenwirkung. Er kurtbeckt sich sozusagen: A line of dissention has sounded within the Labor Party following faction leader and Defense Minister Ehud Barak's remarks Sunday night that the party's departure from the coalition could be sooner than anticipated. Barak made the comments to parents of Israel Defense Forces soldiers killed in the Second Lebanon War, after one asked whether he saw the party quitting within the next year or two. Participants in the forum said the defense minister answered that the party would quit, but refused to give a time frame. In response to the remarks, Minister Ami Yalon told Army Radio Sunday evening: "Ehud Barak is indeed the chairman of the party, but he is not the party himself." Following the meeting, Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben Eliezer apparently told Minister Shalom Simhon quietly: "If he [Barak] wants to get up and kill himself - then he should get up and kill himself. According to participants in Sunday's forum, Barak also said during his address that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert should resign over his role in the war. [Nun so ganz ohne timeframe ist die Angelegenheit nicht, da es Äußerungen Baraks gibt die eine Neuwahl im Herbst anstreben. Falls er in dieser richtung etwas unternehmen will sollte er sich beeilen. Der Zeitpunkt nach den jüngsten Einigungen mit der Fayyad-Fatah scheint günstig. Die innerparteiliche Opposition weiß aber auch das Barak bei Neuwahlen nicht die Mehrheit zur Umsetzung der wirklich wichtigen core points mit den Palästinensern zu Stande bekommt.] Former Labor Party chairman Amir Peretz will not try to force the party to hold another leadership race to challenge Defense Minister Ehud Barak ahead of the next general election, a source close to Peretz said Monday. Peretz will host a mass rally at Labor's Tel Aviv headquarters on Tuesday to flex his political muscles. He is expected to use the event to bash Barak, as he did to his face in a four-hour meeting of the Labor faction Monday night.
Montag, 31. März 2008
Sonntag, 30. März 2008
IDF kills Four
Bei sehr vager Informationslage kommt es im Gazastreifen den Samstag über zu vier Tötungsdelikten. Während bei Khan Younis nach palästinensischen Angaben ein junger Landwirt getötet worden sein soll und im "Norden" ein unbewaffneter Jugendlicher möchte die IDF jeweils Bewaffnete identifiziert haben. Zwei Mitglieder der Al-Aqsa, die am Grenzzaun bei Khan Younis eine Bombe installieren wollten werden erschossen. Ein Luftangriff der IAF nach einem Qassamabschuß sorgt für vier Verletzte. Damit erhöht sich die konfliktbezogene Bilanz im März auf 148 getötete Palästinenser [nach 84 im Februar]. Zudem werden vier israelische Soldaten und acht israelische Zivilisten getötet. Die Fatah erschießt einen Menschen, "Arbeitsunfälle" sieben Palästinenser und einen Israeli, Clanausschreitungen vier. Dazu kommen noch zwei Opfer deren Täter nicht identifiziert wurden. Bislang wurden somit 174 Menschen im März getötet. Zu notieren ist noch das die derzeitigen palästinensischen Aktionen nicht von der Hamas ausgehen und somit die Israelis mit kleineren Gegenmaßnahmen agieren. Aus der Westbank werden bislang nur unerhebliche Vorgänge gemeldet, es sei denn man liest einen Streik im Balata-Flüchtlingslager gegen die UNRAWA als erstes Anzeichen das dieser die Finanzmittel zurück geschraubt werden. Nach der mäßigen Zerschlagung der Hamas-Charities und dem Nichtvorhandensein fatahistischer Wohlfahrtsanstrengungen die nächste Geschichte die belegen wird das die "Unterschicht" die Zeche für schöne neue Kalaschnikows der Fatah bezahlen wird.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Riceauflauf mit Quark, arriving here on Saturday evening, described talks between Israel and the Palestinians as "pretty fruitful," and stressed that she was not bringing any bridging proposals of her own. [... womit wohl die letzte Gestenrunde Ehud Baraks gemeint sein dürfte.] ... It is now official and scientifically sanctioned: A new study has found that left-wing governments are far better for settlers than those led by the right-wing peers. Furthermore, the study also uncovered that left-wing governments are incapable of ceding Israeli lands, and that rightist have far less political clout than commonly assumed. The study, conducted by Professor Gideon Doron of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Political Science and Professor Maoz Rosenthal, of the Open University’s faculty of Political Science and International Relations, will be presented at an upcoming conference at Tel Aviv University entitled “40 years of Israeli Rule in the Territories and Their Impact on the State”. The study found that where as rightist governments can make territorial concessions, left-wing governments cannot afford to take such action.
"One of Israel's central policy goals is to launch peace negotiations with Syria and to see Damascus abandon the cycle of extremism," Defense Minster Ehud Barak told 50 foreign ambassadors at the Labor Party's headquarters in Tel Aviv on Friday. [...] Griff Witte: The future of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is now bound up in three distinct sets of negotiations that are all interrelated, all vital for any hope of peace and all completely stuck. The first, U.S.-backed talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority aimed at creating a Palestinian state, have been knocked off course by violence in Gaza City and mutual accusations of broken promises. The second, negotiations mediated by Egypt between Israel and Hamas that are geared toward ending the Gaza attacks, began in earnest only this month but is already eliciting deep skepticism from both sides. And the third, efforts to reconcile Hamas with the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, could jeopardize the other two if they succeed, although that appears unlikely. Berichte über den auftakt des Treffens der Arabischen Liga in Damaskus halten sich enorm in Grenzen. ... Saudi Arabia said Syria should be punished for blocking a resolution to Lebanon’s political crisis, escalating a dispute between U.S. allies and Damascus that has marred an Arab summit.
The United Nations has proposed that UNIFIL troops take over security in the northern half of the border village of Ghajar, so that IDF forces can withdraw behind the Israel side of the international border. Israel has rejected this proposal and says any future consideration of the matter requires that the Lebanese government agree to it in writing. ... Syria is still under suspicion in the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, senior United Nations officials said this weekend. This is at odds with the report issued on Friday by a UN team investigating the assassination which blamed a "criminal network" for the killing.
"Why do we blog?" asked Fouad Al-Farhan in December, 2007 on his website about Saudi Arabia. The answers from the bloggers apparently did not please the authorities. He was arrested and has been behind bars ever since. Fouad Al-Farhan had criticized the corruption in his country and called for political reforms. But by arresting him, the Saudi authorities actually achieved the opposite of what they intended. Instead of silencing Al-Farhan and his criticism, his ideas are now circulating worldwide throughout the Internet. During a visit to Saudi Arabia in January, even US President George W. Bush reportedly made a point of asking what happened to the blogger.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Riceauflauf mit Quark, arriving here on Saturday evening, described talks between Israel and the Palestinians as "pretty fruitful," and stressed that she was not bringing any bridging proposals of her own. [... womit wohl die letzte Gestenrunde Ehud Baraks gemeint sein dürfte.] ... It is now official and scientifically sanctioned: A new study has found that left-wing governments are far better for settlers than those led by the right-wing peers. Furthermore, the study also uncovered that left-wing governments are incapable of ceding Israeli lands, and that rightist have far less political clout than commonly assumed. The study, conducted by Professor Gideon Doron of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Political Science and Professor Maoz Rosenthal, of the Open University’s faculty of Political Science and International Relations, will be presented at an upcoming conference at Tel Aviv University entitled “40 years of Israeli Rule in the Territories and Their Impact on the State”. The study found that where as rightist governments can make territorial concessions, left-wing governments cannot afford to take such action.
"One of Israel's central policy goals is to launch peace negotiations with Syria and to see Damascus abandon the cycle of extremism," Defense Minster Ehud Barak told 50 foreign ambassadors at the Labor Party's headquarters in Tel Aviv on Friday. [...] Griff Witte: The future of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is now bound up in three distinct sets of negotiations that are all interrelated, all vital for any hope of peace and all completely stuck. The first, U.S.-backed talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority aimed at creating a Palestinian state, have been knocked off course by violence in Gaza City and mutual accusations of broken promises. The second, negotiations mediated by Egypt between Israel and Hamas that are geared toward ending the Gaza attacks, began in earnest only this month but is already eliciting deep skepticism from both sides. And the third, efforts to reconcile Hamas with the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, could jeopardize the other two if they succeed, although that appears unlikely. Berichte über den auftakt des Treffens der Arabischen Liga in Damaskus halten sich enorm in Grenzen. ... Saudi Arabia said Syria should be punished for blocking a resolution to Lebanon’s political crisis, escalating a dispute between U.S. allies and Damascus that has marred an Arab summit.
The United Nations has proposed that UNIFIL troops take over security in the northern half of the border village of Ghajar, so that IDF forces can withdraw behind the Israel side of the international border. Israel has rejected this proposal and says any future consideration of the matter requires that the Lebanese government agree to it in writing. ... Syria is still under suspicion in the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, senior United Nations officials said this weekend. This is at odds with the report issued on Friday by a UN team investigating the assassination which blamed a "criminal network" for the killing.
"Why do we blog?" asked Fouad Al-Farhan in December, 2007 on his website about Saudi Arabia. The answers from the bloggers apparently did not please the authorities. He was arrested and has been behind bars ever since. Fouad Al-Farhan had criticized the corruption in his country and called for political reforms. But by arresting him, the Saudi authorities actually achieved the opposite of what they intended. Instead of silencing Al-Farhan and his criticism, his ideas are now circulating worldwide throughout the Internet. During a visit to Saudi Arabia in January, even US President George W. Bush reportedly made a point of asking what happened to the blogger.
Samstag, 29. März 2008
IDF kills Two - Clanism Three
Während aus dem Gazastreifen durch den Islamic Jihad vier Qassamraketen auf israelische zivile Ziele abgefeuert werden und dabei eine Rakete um Haaresbreite eine gefüllte kinderkrippe verfehlt werden zwei Hamas-Milizionäre bei zwei verschiedenen Scharmützeln am Grenzzaun getötet. Bei dem ersten Vorfall schwanken die Angaben. Während die Hamas berichtet man habe beim Kissufim-Crossing israelische Truppen anttackiert wollen israelische Truppen bei einer "incursion" nahe al-Qarrara [Khan Younis] angegriffen worden sein. Ergebnis bleibt gleich: Ein toter, zwei Verletzte. Am Abend wird ein Hamasnik bei dem Versuch eine [Hand-]Granate am nördlichen Grenzzaun auf IDF-Truppen zu werfen erschossen. Unterdessen läßt Hamas und Islamic Jihad im Gazastreifen für die palästinensische Wiedervereinigung demonstrieren und Polit-Führer Khaled Meshal meldet sich bei den arabsichen Führern: Exiled Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, in a communiqué to Arab leaders, expressed willingness to seriously consider the possibility of an over-all calm with Israel, according to a report Friday in the London-based daily Al Hayat, which said that the message was timed to coincide with the Arab League summit scheduled to take place in Syria's capital over the weekend.
Aus der Westbank werden zur Abwechslung kaum Verhaftungswellen berichtet, jedoch werden in Qufur Thulth bei Qalkilla drei Palästinenser bei einem Clan-Kampf erschossen und 13 weitere verletzt darunter vier schwer. Die Israelis senden zur Trennung der noch nicht namentlich bekannten Familien etwa hundert Fatahisten in den Ort. In Bil'in kommt es bei der wöchentlcihen Anti-Walldemo zu sieben Verletzten.
Die Politik bereitet sich auf den nächsten Besuch der amerikanischen Aussenministerin Condis Riceauflauf mit Quark vor, wobei gemeldet wird das sie auch mit Oppositionführer Netanjahu zusammentreffen wird, der wieder mal für Ärger sorgt, da er die kontrovers diskutierte E1-Baustelle [Siedlungsausbau Jerusalem] plakativ besucht und dabei großisraelisches Geplapper absondert: "All of Israel has been built, not because of the approval of the Arabs and the international community, but despite their opposition," Netanyahu told reporters atop a dusty hilltop. "We need the kind of leadership that would insist on this." Derweil: Defense Minister Ehud Barak has warned the United States that gestures Israel is making to the Palestinians - including approving the transfer to the Palestinian Authority of weapons and armored vehicles, and allowing the deployment of PA policemen in West Bank cities - could ultimately backfire because Hamas could come to power in the West Bank and be better equipped to turn on Israel. Barak issued the warning during a recent meeting with the US special envoy to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Gen. James Jones. The Israeli defense establishment has drawn up a list of further gestures together with Jones that are set to include deploying 600 Jordanian-trained PA policemen in Jenin and the possible removal of dirt roadblocks. Salam Fayyad hingegen kann mit den Spaniern einen 20 Millionen €-Deal erfolgreich abschließen.
Gil Yaron, "mein" morgendlicher "Informant" veröffentlicht in der YA: Turn the page on the Holocaust - As German youths question concept of 'historical responsibility' thrust onto them, Israel will only encounter more difficulties if it continues to lean on identity as victim.
Ansonsten nur Syrien, Syrien, Syrien: Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said Friday that Israel has been making efforts to bring Syria back to the negotiating table. IRIN: A boycott by Lebanon and major Arab powers of the Arab summit in Damascus (29-30 March) has dashed hopes for a last-ditch settlement of the Lebanese presidential crisis, raising fears of a descent into violence after it passes. [...] On the eve of the Arab Lague summit in Damascus, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said Friday that his government was staying away from the gathering to demonstrate the Lebanese people's refusal to accept a presidential vacuum. In a televised speech, Siniora addressed the Arab community, stressing that "Lebanon should only be represented by its Christian president, who reflects the country's diversity and is the only Christian Arab president," Siniora said. Lebanon has been without a president since Emile Lahoud stepped down at the end of his term. Parliament sessions to elect a new head of state have been postponed on 17 occasions as part of the power struggle between the government and the opposition, which Siniora and his allies accuse of obstructing the process on behalf of Syria. + Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri along with MPs Yassine Jabre and Walid Khoury visited the Greek capital on Friday for the fourth Euro-Mediterranean general parliamentary meeting. + A UN investigation commission said on Friday that a "criminal network" had carried out the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and was connected to other acts of political violence in Lebanon, but the commission's report did not name anyone involved with the network. Original report. [...] Salah Nasrawi: The no-shows by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon are an embarrassment to Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose government had hoped the summit on Saturday and Sunday — billed as "the summit of joint Arab action" — would boost its prestige. By staying away, the countries aimed to show Damascus the diplomatic cost of its hard line on Lebanon and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But it is likely instead to strengthen Damascus' alliance with Iran and the Hamas and Hezbollah militant groups. "There are now two axes — Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah are on one side and the rest are on the another," said Wahid Abdel-Meguid of the Cairo-based Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. [...] Joshua Landis: The US has put a premium on the effort to isolate Syria. V.P. Cheney's visit was instrumental in shoring up flagging efforts to put the squeeze on Syria. I have heard this from sources in Washington, and now Khaled Oweis quotes diplomats in Damascus to the same effect. The media has been aggressively anti-Syria, as well. The Syrians are taking the view that what really counts in the end is not the propaganda game, but the action on the ground over the long haul. They believe that Syria and its allies will come out ahead in Lebanon, despite US and Saudi efforts to disarm and isolate Hizbullah. Syria is convinced that the Lebanese Shiites and their Christian allies are too numerous to be side-lined or marginalized in Lebanese politics indefinitely. Eventually, the March 14th coalition will have to come to terms with their demands and give them a larger voice in government, either through elections in 2009 or earlier in some sort of political deal. Cheney and his team may be able to win a few rounds in the coming months, but Syrian authorities believe that ultimately Washington will have to accommodate Syrian and Lebanese opposition interests in the region. [...] Jonathan Spyer: The Middle East is currently divided between an alliance of radical Islamist and associated states and organizations, which take support and inspiration from Iran, on the one hand, and a coalition of pro-Western states, on the other. The "Annapolis process" is based on the expectation that Fatah will play the role of the pro-Western, pro-stability element among the Palestinians. The facts indicate, however, that for both structural and ideological reasons, it is neither able nor willing to play this role.
Aus der Westbank werden zur Abwechslung kaum Verhaftungswellen berichtet, jedoch werden in Qufur Thulth bei Qalkilla drei Palästinenser bei einem Clan-Kampf erschossen und 13 weitere verletzt darunter vier schwer. Die Israelis senden zur Trennung der noch nicht namentlich bekannten Familien etwa hundert Fatahisten in den Ort. In Bil'in kommt es bei der wöchentlcihen Anti-Walldemo zu sieben Verletzten.
Die Politik bereitet sich auf den nächsten Besuch der amerikanischen Aussenministerin Condis Riceauflauf mit Quark vor, wobei gemeldet wird das sie auch mit Oppositionführer Netanjahu zusammentreffen wird, der wieder mal für Ärger sorgt, da er die kontrovers diskutierte E1-Baustelle [Siedlungsausbau Jerusalem] plakativ besucht und dabei großisraelisches Geplapper absondert: "All of Israel has been built, not because of the approval of the Arabs and the international community, but despite their opposition," Netanyahu told reporters atop a dusty hilltop. "We need the kind of leadership that would insist on this." Derweil: Defense Minister Ehud Barak has warned the United States that gestures Israel is making to the Palestinians - including approving the transfer to the Palestinian Authority of weapons and armored vehicles, and allowing the deployment of PA policemen in West Bank cities - could ultimately backfire because Hamas could come to power in the West Bank and be better equipped to turn on Israel. Barak issued the warning during a recent meeting with the US special envoy to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Gen. James Jones. The Israeli defense establishment has drawn up a list of further gestures together with Jones that are set to include deploying 600 Jordanian-trained PA policemen in Jenin and the possible removal of dirt roadblocks. Salam Fayyad hingegen kann mit den Spaniern einen 20 Millionen €-Deal erfolgreich abschließen.
Gil Yaron, "mein" morgendlicher "Informant" veröffentlicht in der YA: Turn the page on the Holocaust - As German youths question concept of 'historical responsibility' thrust onto them, Israel will only encounter more difficulties if it continues to lean on identity as victim.
Ansonsten nur Syrien, Syrien, Syrien: Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said Friday that Israel has been making efforts to bring Syria back to the negotiating table. IRIN: A boycott by Lebanon and major Arab powers of the Arab summit in Damascus (29-30 March) has dashed hopes for a last-ditch settlement of the Lebanese presidential crisis, raising fears of a descent into violence after it passes. [...] On the eve of the Arab Lague summit in Damascus, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said Friday that his government was staying away from the gathering to demonstrate the Lebanese people's refusal to accept a presidential vacuum. In a televised speech, Siniora addressed the Arab community, stressing that "Lebanon should only be represented by its Christian president, who reflects the country's diversity and is the only Christian Arab president," Siniora said. Lebanon has been without a president since Emile Lahoud stepped down at the end of his term. Parliament sessions to elect a new head of state have been postponed on 17 occasions as part of the power struggle between the government and the opposition, which Siniora and his allies accuse of obstructing the process on behalf of Syria. + Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri along with MPs Yassine Jabre and Walid Khoury visited the Greek capital on Friday for the fourth Euro-Mediterranean general parliamentary meeting. + A UN investigation commission said on Friday that a "criminal network" had carried out the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and was connected to other acts of political violence in Lebanon, but the commission's report did not name anyone involved with the network. Original report. [...] Salah Nasrawi: The no-shows by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon are an embarrassment to Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose government had hoped the summit on Saturday and Sunday — billed as "the summit of joint Arab action" — would boost its prestige. By staying away, the countries aimed to show Damascus the diplomatic cost of its hard line on Lebanon and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But it is likely instead to strengthen Damascus' alliance with Iran and the Hamas and Hezbollah militant groups. "There are now two axes — Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah are on one side and the rest are on the another," said Wahid Abdel-Meguid of the Cairo-based Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. [...] Joshua Landis: The US has put a premium on the effort to isolate Syria. V.P. Cheney's visit was instrumental in shoring up flagging efforts to put the squeeze on Syria. I have heard this from sources in Washington, and now Khaled Oweis quotes diplomats in Damascus to the same effect. The media has been aggressively anti-Syria, as well. The Syrians are taking the view that what really counts in the end is not the propaganda game, but the action on the ground over the long haul. They believe that Syria and its allies will come out ahead in Lebanon, despite US and Saudi efforts to disarm and isolate Hizbullah. Syria is convinced that the Lebanese Shiites and their Christian allies are too numerous to be side-lined or marginalized in Lebanese politics indefinitely. Eventually, the March 14th coalition will have to come to terms with their demands and give them a larger voice in government, either through elections in 2009 or earlier in some sort of political deal. Cheney and his team may be able to win a few rounds in the coming months, but Syrian authorities believe that ultimately Washington will have to accommodate Syrian and Lebanese opposition interests in the region. [...] Jonathan Spyer: The Middle East is currently divided between an alliance of radical Islamist and associated states and organizations, which take support and inspiration from Iran, on the one hand, and a coalition of pro-Western states, on the other. The "Annapolis process" is based on the expectation that Fatah will play the role of the pro-Western, pro-stability element among the Palestinians. The facts indicate, however, that for both structural and ideological reasons, it is neither able nor willing to play this role.
Freitag, 28. März 2008
My private intrested BSI-Investigator
Jaaaa, da habe ich aber mal meine Beziehungen in den israelischen Generalstab spielen lassen und die haben mir heute das Foto von Frau K. geschickt

Schick und sehr sympathisch!
[Zu: Eine "Webseitenüberwachung" ... Ihres Blogs oder der von Ihnen angedeuteten "...andere(n) deutschsprachige(n) Webseiten ..." fällt nicht in das Tätigkeits- und Aufgabenspektrum des BSI. Sollte - wie Sie dies in Ihrem E-Mail-Schreiben schildern - eine Mitarbeiterin oder ein Mitarbeiter des BSI Ihren im Internet frei zugänglichen Blog besucht haben, erfolgte dies auf eigene Veranlassung.]
Na dann Frau K., weiterhin viel Spaß und Erkenntnissgewinn beim privaten Lesen "unserer" blogs.

Schick und sehr sympathisch!
[Zu: Eine "Webseitenüberwachung" ... Ihres Blogs oder der von Ihnen angedeuteten "...andere(n) deutschsprachige(n) Webseiten ..." fällt nicht in das Tätigkeits- und Aufgabenspektrum des BSI. Sollte - wie Sie dies in Ihrem E-Mail-Schreiben schildern - eine Mitarbeiterin oder ein Mitarbeiter des BSI Ihren im Internet frei zugänglichen Blog besucht haben, erfolgte dies auf eigene Veranlassung.]
Na dann Frau K., weiterhin viel Spaß und Erkenntnissgewinn beim privaten Lesen "unserer" blogs.
Donnerstag, 27. März 2008
Preparations in Damascus and Jerusalem
Im Übrigen: Hübsch aufpassen... heute Nacht werden in Israel die Uhren auf Sommerzeit umgestellt.
[Nachwuchs im Hause Landis. Da gratulieren wir.] Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim will lead an orchestra of 33 young Israeli and Palestinians in Jerusalem Friday in what he called a concert "against ignorance and lack of curiosity" on both sides of the conflict. At a news conference Thursday in the concert hall of the YMCA on the Jewish side of the city, Barenboim said Friday's two performances, entitled "A concert for two peoples," will be the first time the young musicians have played together in public. Wenn ich richtig informiert bin wird Beethoven gespielt. Was mich an solchen Geschichten besonders stört? Alle reden über Barenboim in Israel. Und keiner über die Vertragsunterzeichnung seines musikalischen Zöglings Dan Ettinger am Nationaltheater Mannheim für drei Jahre. Und morgen kommt bestimmt wieder die Lapalie Livni daher und quatscht was von einem "falschen Bild über Israel" in den Medien. Dabei werden Positivnachrichten über Israelis in der Welt meist vollständig unterdrückt, es sei denn einer ist ein Kadima/Likud-Zionist.
Arab foreign ministers on Thursday re-endorsed a 2002 Saudi peace initiative which promises recognition of Israel should it withdraw in full from territories it seized in the 1967 Six-Day War. The proposal was ratified despite proposals by some Arab elements to withdraw the initiative. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said on Thursday, prior to the ratification, that Israel must show a commitment to the peace process if Damascus were to re-evaluate its support of the Arab peace initiative. According to Moallem, Israeli reluctance to take diplomatic steps towards peace was behind the decision made by Arab League members in Cairo last month that the continuation of the Saudi Peace initiative will hinge upon Israeli cooperation. Moallem made his comments Thursday to Arab foreign ministers, who were meeting in Damascus to prepare for a regional summit scheduled for Saturday. [...] Emboldened by its alliance with Iran, Syria has put its interests in Lebanon above the prestige of hosting an Arab summit that will open on Saturday with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Egypt conspicuously absent. President Bashar al-Assad has dismissed demands to push Syria's Lebanese allies to abandon their quest for a larger share of power in Beirut, prompting the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, both U.S. allies, to stay away from the summit. Their absence is intended to embarrass Damascus, the target of revived Western pressure in recent weeks. [...] One of the disputes instigated by the Arab summit involves practical and symbolic implications that go beyond the sides to this dispute whose very existence is not always so evident. ... This link between the summits and the Israeli issue happens to be the primary element responsible for voiding all summits of any meaning and turning them into purposeless ceremonial rituals. This is attributed to the fact that as a result of this link, the supposed joint Arab action has been based on the very issue on which joint action has no influence whatsoever. As a result, Arab summits have transformed into verbal ceremonies that breed neither actions nor wills.
Die etwas unverständliche gestrige Attacke aus dem Gazastreifen ebbt stark ab und es kommt zu keinerlei martialischen Gegenmaßnahmen der Israelis. Zwar berichten palästinensische Milizen von insgesamt sieben Qassam-Abschüssen, die israelische Presse vermeldet jedoch nur eine. Neben der Ausweitung eines Streiks der Bäcker im Gazastreifen [höhere Preise] wird vom Ende der Verhandlungen in Rafah berichtet: A new round of talks between Egypt and the Palestinian militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad ended on Thursday without agreement on striking a truce with Israel. Tens of thousands of Palestinians staged rallies in Gaza City and the West Bank city of Hebron on Wednesday calling for national reconciliation between bitter political rivals Fatah and Hamas. The rally in Gaza was organized by the Palestinian Popular Campaign for National Reconciliation. Coordinator Abdul Mun'im Tahrawi said the rally had three goals. First was to demonstrate that the Palestinian people can bring about change in the internal political rivalry. Second was to send a message to all political factions that the Palestinian people have chosen reconciliation. Third was to urge the participants in this week's Arab summit in Damascus that the Palestinian issue must be included in the agenda. [Erstaunlich das diese Demos statt finden durften.] Die jemenitische Initiative bringt uns in den Genuß zweier großer Artikel. Nasser Lahham: I felt that some Fatah leaders were embarrassed about disagreement between Azzam Al-Ahmad, Fatah's speaker in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and President Mahmoud Abbas' aide Nimir Hammad on Al-Jazeera TV on Sunday. Hammad accused Al-Ahmad of signing the Yemeni-brokered dialogue agreement with Hamas without consulting the Palestinian President on the exact wording of the document. Und Ghassan Charbel: The Palestinian scene is painful. Fateh and Hamas sign an agreement, only to disagree before the ink dries. Hamas cannot deny Fateh's role in the revolution. It cannot deal with it as a ripe fruit that must be plucked and a faction whose legacy must be confiscated. Fateh is the other side of the Palestinian house. Rupture with Fateh simply means dividing the house, undermining the entire national Palestinian project. Fateh cannot deny Hamas' existence either. It cannot deny its presence in the Palestinian street. It cannot ignore the results of the last elections. Rupture with Hamas means dividing the Palestinian house, jeopardizing whatever remains of Palestinian hopes.
In der Westbank werden acht Personen über Nacht bei relativ wenigen Aktionen marodierender IDF-Milizionäre verhaftet. Die Fatah-Führung im Bezirk Tulkarem läßt aufgrund der enorm hohen Anzahl von IDF-Aktionen eine Warnung an "Führungsmitglieder" vor extralegalen Tötungen. ... The Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem has requested a criminal investigation into the deaths of four wanted Palestinian militants in Bethlehem on March 12, saying that the deaths during the Israel Defense Forces raid appeared to have been an execution. In a letter to the attorney general and the IDF Military Advocate General, the group says that its own investigation raised serious suspicions that the wanted men had not been killed during an exchange of fire or while trying to escape, as intimated by the IDF. B'Tselem said that if the men were in fact executed, the IDF is guilty of severely violating a High Court ruling stating that the state is prohibited from intentionally killing Palestinians if less harmful means of maintaining security are available, meaning arrest and due process.
The Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court refused to grant MK Avigdor Lieberman's request to prevent authorities from using documents seized at his attorney's office as part of an investigation against him, Thursday. The court's statement implied Lieberman's actions contain possible evidence of involvement in illegal activities. Police suspect Lieberman of having taken hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bribes while serving as a cabinet minister from 2001 to 2004. [Dollars, nicht NIS]
Ari Shavit: And nevertheless, the prime minister has one shortcoming that overshadows all his good qualities: The man lacks substance. He has no worldview and no overall picture of reality. [...] Und wenn dieser Bericht stimmt hat er Israel in eine gefährliche strategische Lage gebracht: With Iranian backing, Hezbollah guerrillas have dramatically increased their rocket range and now threaten most of Israel, according to senior Israeli defense officials. The Lebanon-based militant group has acquired new Iranian rockets with a range of around 300 kilometers (185 miles), the officials said. That means the guerrillas can strike anywhere in Israel's heavily populated center and reach as far south as Dimona, where Israel's nuclear reactor is locate. Ich sehe im Übrigen seinen erfolgreichen Versuch Videomaterial über den Angriff auf die Mercaz-Yeshiva vor Wilders "Fitna" ins Internet zu stellen eben in einer Linie. Wilders und Videoterror habe ich die letzten Jahre schon ausführlich anderswo "besprochen". Das der israelische PM über sein O jetzt auch das Internet mit apolitischen Videoschnitten flutet ist einer Hamas-Biene die antijudaistischen Blödquatsch absondert aller ehren wert. Gentlemen unter sich.
The great Meron Benevisti: "The same air, the same water": Ecological issues have become central in public discourse, with almost all activity in the fields of transportation, infrastructure, industry and agriculture spurring a lively debate on their environmental impact. The discussion long ago went beyond the limited themes of protecting nature reserves, wild animals and plants, and has begun to bite into sacred myths about the "conquest of the wilderness" and the dressing of the land "in a frock of cement and concrete."
Etwas älter, aber immer noch wichtig, Mohammed Yaghi: A month after visiting Washington, Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayad continues to face significant political, economic, and security challenges to his reform plan. Fatah, the ruling political party in the West Bank, has resisted many aspects of his agenda and is critical of his cabinet's composition and performance. And although Fayad has spearheaded several important initiatives, his plan is in jeopardy, and the Palestinian Authority (PA) is still far from representing a compelling alternative to Hamas. To make matters worse, the PA has received just $260 million out of the $7.7 billion pledged during the December international donors conference in Paris, leaving the prime minister with month-to-month uncertainty about fulfilling the PA's salary commitments.
[Nachwuchs im Hause Landis. Da gratulieren wir.] Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim will lead an orchestra of 33 young Israeli and Palestinians in Jerusalem Friday in what he called a concert "against ignorance and lack of curiosity" on both sides of the conflict. At a news conference Thursday in the concert hall of the YMCA on the Jewish side of the city, Barenboim said Friday's two performances, entitled "A concert for two peoples," will be the first time the young musicians have played together in public. Wenn ich richtig informiert bin wird Beethoven gespielt. Was mich an solchen Geschichten besonders stört? Alle reden über Barenboim in Israel. Und keiner über die Vertragsunterzeichnung seines musikalischen Zöglings Dan Ettinger am Nationaltheater Mannheim für drei Jahre. Und morgen kommt bestimmt wieder die Lapalie Livni daher und quatscht was von einem "falschen Bild über Israel" in den Medien. Dabei werden Positivnachrichten über Israelis in der Welt meist vollständig unterdrückt, es sei denn einer ist ein Kadima/Likud-Zionist.
Arab foreign ministers on Thursday re-endorsed a 2002 Saudi peace initiative which promises recognition of Israel should it withdraw in full from territories it seized in the 1967 Six-Day War. The proposal was ratified despite proposals by some Arab elements to withdraw the initiative. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said on Thursday, prior to the ratification, that Israel must show a commitment to the peace process if Damascus were to re-evaluate its support of the Arab peace initiative. According to Moallem, Israeli reluctance to take diplomatic steps towards peace was behind the decision made by Arab League members in Cairo last month that the continuation of the Saudi Peace initiative will hinge upon Israeli cooperation. Moallem made his comments Thursday to Arab foreign ministers, who were meeting in Damascus to prepare for a regional summit scheduled for Saturday. [...] Emboldened by its alliance with Iran, Syria has put its interests in Lebanon above the prestige of hosting an Arab summit that will open on Saturday with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Egypt conspicuously absent. President Bashar al-Assad has dismissed demands to push Syria's Lebanese allies to abandon their quest for a larger share of power in Beirut, prompting the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, both U.S. allies, to stay away from the summit. Their absence is intended to embarrass Damascus, the target of revived Western pressure in recent weeks. [...] One of the disputes instigated by the Arab summit involves practical and symbolic implications that go beyond the sides to this dispute whose very existence is not always so evident. ... This link between the summits and the Israeli issue happens to be the primary element responsible for voiding all summits of any meaning and turning them into purposeless ceremonial rituals. This is attributed to the fact that as a result of this link, the supposed joint Arab action has been based on the very issue on which joint action has no influence whatsoever. As a result, Arab summits have transformed into verbal ceremonies that breed neither actions nor wills.
Die etwas unverständliche gestrige Attacke aus dem Gazastreifen ebbt stark ab und es kommt zu keinerlei martialischen Gegenmaßnahmen der Israelis. Zwar berichten palästinensische Milizen von insgesamt sieben Qassam-Abschüssen, die israelische Presse vermeldet jedoch nur eine. Neben der Ausweitung eines Streiks der Bäcker im Gazastreifen [höhere Preise] wird vom Ende der Verhandlungen in Rafah berichtet: A new round of talks between Egypt and the Palestinian militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad ended on Thursday without agreement on striking a truce with Israel. Tens of thousands of Palestinians staged rallies in Gaza City and the West Bank city of Hebron on Wednesday calling for national reconciliation between bitter political rivals Fatah and Hamas. The rally in Gaza was organized by the Palestinian Popular Campaign for National Reconciliation. Coordinator Abdul Mun'im Tahrawi said the rally had three goals. First was to demonstrate that the Palestinian people can bring about change in the internal political rivalry. Second was to send a message to all political factions that the Palestinian people have chosen reconciliation. Third was to urge the participants in this week's Arab summit in Damascus that the Palestinian issue must be included in the agenda. [Erstaunlich das diese Demos statt finden durften.] Die jemenitische Initiative bringt uns in den Genuß zweier großer Artikel. Nasser Lahham: I felt that some Fatah leaders were embarrassed about disagreement between Azzam Al-Ahmad, Fatah's speaker in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and President Mahmoud Abbas' aide Nimir Hammad on Al-Jazeera TV on Sunday. Hammad accused Al-Ahmad of signing the Yemeni-brokered dialogue agreement with Hamas without consulting the Palestinian President on the exact wording of the document. Und Ghassan Charbel: The Palestinian scene is painful. Fateh and Hamas sign an agreement, only to disagree before the ink dries. Hamas cannot deny Fateh's role in the revolution. It cannot deal with it as a ripe fruit that must be plucked and a faction whose legacy must be confiscated. Fateh is the other side of the Palestinian house. Rupture with Fateh simply means dividing the house, undermining the entire national Palestinian project. Fateh cannot deny Hamas' existence either. It cannot deny its presence in the Palestinian street. It cannot ignore the results of the last elections. Rupture with Hamas means dividing the Palestinian house, jeopardizing whatever remains of Palestinian hopes.
In der Westbank werden acht Personen über Nacht bei relativ wenigen Aktionen marodierender IDF-Milizionäre verhaftet. Die Fatah-Führung im Bezirk Tulkarem läßt aufgrund der enorm hohen Anzahl von IDF-Aktionen eine Warnung an "Führungsmitglieder" vor extralegalen Tötungen. ... The Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem has requested a criminal investigation into the deaths of four wanted Palestinian militants in Bethlehem on March 12, saying that the deaths during the Israel Defense Forces raid appeared to have been an execution. In a letter to the attorney general and the IDF Military Advocate General, the group says that its own investigation raised serious suspicions that the wanted men had not been killed during an exchange of fire or while trying to escape, as intimated by the IDF. B'Tselem said that if the men were in fact executed, the IDF is guilty of severely violating a High Court ruling stating that the state is prohibited from intentionally killing Palestinians if less harmful means of maintaining security are available, meaning arrest and due process.
The Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court refused to grant MK Avigdor Lieberman's request to prevent authorities from using documents seized at his attorney's office as part of an investigation against him, Thursday. The court's statement implied Lieberman's actions contain possible evidence of involvement in illegal activities. Police suspect Lieberman of having taken hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bribes while serving as a cabinet minister from 2001 to 2004. [Dollars, nicht NIS]
Ari Shavit: And nevertheless, the prime minister has one shortcoming that overshadows all his good qualities: The man lacks substance. He has no worldview and no overall picture of reality. [...] Und wenn dieser Bericht stimmt hat er Israel in eine gefährliche strategische Lage gebracht: With Iranian backing, Hezbollah guerrillas have dramatically increased their rocket range and now threaten most of Israel, according to senior Israeli defense officials. The Lebanon-based militant group has acquired new Iranian rockets with a range of around 300 kilometers (185 miles), the officials said. That means the guerrillas can strike anywhere in Israel's heavily populated center and reach as far south as Dimona, where Israel's nuclear reactor is locate. Ich sehe im Übrigen seinen erfolgreichen Versuch Videomaterial über den Angriff auf die Mercaz-Yeshiva vor Wilders "Fitna" ins Internet zu stellen eben in einer Linie. Wilders und Videoterror habe ich die letzten Jahre schon ausführlich anderswo "besprochen". Das der israelische PM über sein O jetzt auch das Internet mit apolitischen Videoschnitten flutet ist einer Hamas-Biene die antijudaistischen Blödquatsch absondert aller ehren wert. Gentlemen unter sich.
The great Meron Benevisti: "The same air, the same water": Ecological issues have become central in public discourse, with almost all activity in the fields of transportation, infrastructure, industry and agriculture spurring a lively debate on their environmental impact. The discussion long ago went beyond the limited themes of protecting nature reserves, wild animals and plants, and has begun to bite into sacred myths about the "conquest of the wilderness" and the dressing of the land "in a frock of cement and concrete."
Etwas älter, aber immer noch wichtig, Mohammed Yaghi: A month after visiting Washington, Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayad continues to face significant political, economic, and security challenges to his reform plan. Fatah, the ruling political party in the West Bank, has resisted many aspects of his agenda and is critical of his cabinet's composition and performance. And although Fayad has spearheaded several important initiatives, his plan is in jeopardy, and the Palestinian Authority (PA) is still far from representing a compelling alternative to Hamas. To make matters worse, the PA has received just $260 million out of the $7.7 billion pledged during the December international donors conference in Paris, leaving the prime minister with month-to-month uncertainty about fulfilling the PA's salary commitments.
Updates - IDF kills One - Schmuggling kills One - Work accident kills One
Am gestrigen Mittwoch werden mit 17 Qassam-Abschüssen, zwei Verletzten israelischen Zivilisten, mehreren Schockopfern und einem Leichtverletzten in ein Haslosha durch palästinensisches Sniperfeuer die Aktivitäten nach einigen sehr ruhigen Tagen durch die palästinensischen Milizen hochgefahren. Zwar hält sich die Hamas dabei zurück, wird jedoch in dieser Situation zurecht verantwortlich gemacht werden. Die Mehrzahl der Attacken geht auf den Islamic Jihad zurück, aber auch PFLP und Fatah beteiligen sich. Die offensichtlich sehr schlecht verlaufenen Mediatorengespräche über Ägypten können für diese Eskalation keine Begründung, auch wenn eine zentrale Forderung der Einstellung der IDF-Aktivitäten in der Westbank nicht erfüllt wurde. Ein möglicher Hintergrund könnte auch die recht entscheidende Ankunft der amerikanischen Aussenministerin Condis Riceauflauf mit Quark sein in dessen Vorfeld Chefstratege Ehud "The Hun" Olmert, der größte israelische Feldherr aller Zeiten vor geladener Pressemeute Friedenswillen heuchelt. Entscheidend wird der Besuch da Rice eine Umkehr von der unten stehenden Erklärung von Mahmoud Abbas fordern wird, die Gespräche mit der Hamas zumindest in den Bereich der Möglichkeit bringt. ["Rice will meet Abbas in Amman on March 30 after the Arab summit in Damascus ends. She will then travel to Israel for talks with Olmert and return to Amman for further talks with President Abbas," a senior Abbas oficial said. "President Abbas will also visit Moscow on April 20 just before his Washington trip to discuss holding an Annapolis follow-up conference in Moscow in mid-June to push for further progress in Israeli-Palestinian talks," the official said.] ... Hamster in einem Laufrad sind wirklich putzige Tierchen. Bei Politikern sieht das albern aus.
Recht interessant, aber für die key-issues bedeutungslos das Ehud Barak ein System "Zuckerbrot und Peitsche" installieren möchte: Israeli officials said Wednesday that Defense Minister Ehud Barak has agreed to transfer police cars and ammunition to the Palestinians, and let thousands more West Bank residents work in Israel. Barak was to make Israel's position known in a meeting later Wednesday with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The defense minister announced on Tuesday that he has approved the entry of 600 Palestinian policemen into Jenin, where they will engage in routine law enforcement. The policemen are currently undergoing training in Jordan. According to Army Radio, Barak was also expected to tell Fayyad that Israel will supply the Palestinian Authority with 300 vehicles for use by senior officials in Ramallah and in the Palestinian security forces. He is also expected to approve permits for thousands of Palestinians to work within the Green Line. ... Israeli officials say despite these concessions, Barak will not agree to remove military checkpoints that severely hamper the movement of Palestinian people and goods in the West Bank - a major demand of the Palestinians as they try to make peace with the Israelis. ... The American officers responsible for monitoring Israeli and Palestinian compliance with the road map peace plan recently criticized the Palestinian Authority's counterterrorism efforts. [Kein Wunder das es nicht klappt, schließlich wurden die ja auch von Amerikanern trainiert.] Die Maariv hat jedoch ein anderes Bild der Barak-Aktion parat: Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak is under US pressure to offer Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad a package to show Israel's "good intentions" towards the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv reported on Wednesday. Kadura Fares in der Haaretz: Housing Minister Ze'ev Boim explained away the construction of 750 new housing units in the settlement of Givat Ze'ev by saying that the permits had been issued in 1999, but that construction had stopped due to, as he put it, the "outbreak of violence." That is, the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising. According to Boim, the contractors went to court, and as a result of their petition, the government ordered the construction's approval. Boim was talking, it seems to me, to Israelis and overseas leaders critical of the renewed construction. He did not notice that Palestinians were also listening to him.
In der Westbank selbst ändert sich wenig, wobei man die erfolgreiche Verhaftung von Omar Jabar [Hamas] durchaus begrüßen kann. Die Umstände weniger, vier zusätzliche Verhaftungen und das übliche Häuserdurchsuchen. In Orta wird nach Rot-Kreuz-Angaben von der IDF einem Jugendlichen in den Bauch geschossen und versucht ihn aus dem Krankenwagen zu verhaften.In der Nacht werden zusätzliche sieben Personen verhaftet, in der Stadt Jenin wird ein Gebäudekomplex mit shops gelootet. Am Nachmittag in Qaffin bei Tulkarem fünf Personen, darunter zwei Islamic-Jihad-Mitglieder.
Verschiedene Seitenopfer sind zu beklagen: In Ägypten stirbt ein Islamic-Jihad-Mitglied an Verletzungen der "Vilanis Shoaic Dimensions" Anfang März. [Sollte wohl gleich Part I schreiben.] Nach sechs Tagen Suche werden zwei Leichname in einem verschütteten Tunnel an der Rafah-Grenze gefunden. Ein israelischer Soldat stirbt nach gun cleaning accident.
14 Arab leaders heading to Damascus, Abdullah & Mubarak to boycott it. [Barak Ravid, der Kadima-Lügenbeutel bei der Haaretz läßt Mubarak ordentlich hetzen: "The situation that has developed in the Gaza Strip in recent months has led to Egypt in practice having a border with Iran," Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told a senior European diplomat about three weeks ago.] Besser: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said his country would be represented at the summit by its Minister for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Moufid Shehab. The decision came less than 24 hours after the Lebanese government decided to completely boycott the summit in protest against Syria's continued attempts to foil the election of a new Lebanese president. It also followed an announcement by Saudi Arabia that King Abdullah would also boycott the summit. The Saudis said they would be represented at the summit by their ambassador to the Arab League. Jordan's King Abdullah II, who maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, has also decided to boycott the summit. Nearly half of Arab leaders are scheduled to stay away from the summit in what is regarded by Arab political analysts as a "severe blow" to Syrian President Bashar Assad. [Alle die the great dick of the White House vorher mit seiner Anwesenheit beglückt hat. Das sehen auch die Syrer richtig so: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said his country would be represented at the summit by its Minister for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Moufid Shehab. The decision came less than 24 hours after the Lebanese government decided to completely boycott the summit in protest against Syria's continued attempts to foil the election of a new Lebanese president. It also followed an announcement by Saudi Arabia that King Abdullah would also boycott the summit. The Saudis said they would be represented at the summit by their ambassador to the Arab League. Jordan's King Abdullah II, who maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, has also decided to boycott the summit. Nearly half of Arab leaders are scheduled to stay away from the summit in what is regarded by Arab political analysts as a "severe blow" to Syrian President Bashar Assad. Ja, der dick... der kann halt nur Krieg.] Zvi Bar'el: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's concern about Iran's involvement in Gaza does not stem only from Hamas' growing military capabilities. Rather, his primary fear is that control over "Arab policy" - which has traditionally been dictated by Egypt and Saudi Arabia - will be taken over by Iran.
Das Schlußwort gehört heute einem weisen Lehrer in Rabbi-Uniform, der in seinem newsletter die komplette Weisheit seiner Gedankenkraft bündelt und in einem Anfall von Erleuchtung .... empfiehlt mal schnell die Kinder des Terroristen der die Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva attackiert hat am nächsten Baum aufzuhängen. [Idiot, der hatte doch gar keine Kinder.]
Recht interessant, aber für die key-issues bedeutungslos das Ehud Barak ein System "Zuckerbrot und Peitsche" installieren möchte: Israeli officials said Wednesday that Defense Minister Ehud Barak has agreed to transfer police cars and ammunition to the Palestinians, and let thousands more West Bank residents work in Israel. Barak was to make Israel's position known in a meeting later Wednesday with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The defense minister announced on Tuesday that he has approved the entry of 600 Palestinian policemen into Jenin, where they will engage in routine law enforcement. The policemen are currently undergoing training in Jordan. According to Army Radio, Barak was also expected to tell Fayyad that Israel will supply the Palestinian Authority with 300 vehicles for use by senior officials in Ramallah and in the Palestinian security forces. He is also expected to approve permits for thousands of Palestinians to work within the Green Line. ... Israeli officials say despite these concessions, Barak will not agree to remove military checkpoints that severely hamper the movement of Palestinian people and goods in the West Bank - a major demand of the Palestinians as they try to make peace with the Israelis. ... The American officers responsible for monitoring Israeli and Palestinian compliance with the road map peace plan recently criticized the Palestinian Authority's counterterrorism efforts. [Kein Wunder das es nicht klappt, schließlich wurden die ja auch von Amerikanern trainiert.] Die Maariv hat jedoch ein anderes Bild der Barak-Aktion parat: Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak is under US pressure to offer Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad a package to show Israel's "good intentions" towards the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv reported on Wednesday. Kadura Fares in der Haaretz: Housing Minister Ze'ev Boim explained away the construction of 750 new housing units in the settlement of Givat Ze'ev by saying that the permits had been issued in 1999, but that construction had stopped due to, as he put it, the "outbreak of violence." That is, the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising. According to Boim, the contractors went to court, and as a result of their petition, the government ordered the construction's approval. Boim was talking, it seems to me, to Israelis and overseas leaders critical of the renewed construction. He did not notice that Palestinians were also listening to him.
In der Westbank selbst ändert sich wenig, wobei man die erfolgreiche Verhaftung von Omar Jabar [Hamas] durchaus begrüßen kann. Die Umstände weniger, vier zusätzliche Verhaftungen und das übliche Häuserdurchsuchen. In Orta wird nach Rot-Kreuz-Angaben von der IDF einem Jugendlichen in den Bauch geschossen und versucht ihn aus dem Krankenwagen zu verhaften.In der Nacht werden zusätzliche sieben Personen verhaftet, in der Stadt Jenin wird ein Gebäudekomplex mit shops gelootet. Am Nachmittag in Qaffin bei Tulkarem fünf Personen, darunter zwei Islamic-Jihad-Mitglieder.
Verschiedene Seitenopfer sind zu beklagen: In Ägypten stirbt ein Islamic-Jihad-Mitglied an Verletzungen der "Vilanis Shoaic Dimensions" Anfang März. [Sollte wohl gleich Part I schreiben.] Nach sechs Tagen Suche werden zwei Leichname in einem verschütteten Tunnel an der Rafah-Grenze gefunden. Ein israelischer Soldat stirbt nach gun cleaning accident.
14 Arab leaders heading to Damascus, Abdullah & Mubarak to boycott it. [Barak Ravid, der Kadima-Lügenbeutel bei der Haaretz läßt Mubarak ordentlich hetzen: "The situation that has developed in the Gaza Strip in recent months has led to Egypt in practice having a border with Iran," Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told a senior European diplomat about three weeks ago.] Besser: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said his country would be represented at the summit by its Minister for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Moufid Shehab. The decision came less than 24 hours after the Lebanese government decided to completely boycott the summit in protest against Syria's continued attempts to foil the election of a new Lebanese president. It also followed an announcement by Saudi Arabia that King Abdullah would also boycott the summit. The Saudis said they would be represented at the summit by their ambassador to the Arab League. Jordan's King Abdullah II, who maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, has also decided to boycott the summit. Nearly half of Arab leaders are scheduled to stay away from the summit in what is regarded by Arab political analysts as a "severe blow" to Syrian President Bashar Assad. [Alle die the great dick of the White House vorher mit seiner Anwesenheit beglückt hat. Das sehen auch die Syrer richtig so: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said his country would be represented at the summit by its Minister for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Moufid Shehab. The decision came less than 24 hours after the Lebanese government decided to completely boycott the summit in protest against Syria's continued attempts to foil the election of a new Lebanese president. It also followed an announcement by Saudi Arabia that King Abdullah would also boycott the summit. The Saudis said they would be represented at the summit by their ambassador to the Arab League. Jordan's King Abdullah II, who maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, has also decided to boycott the summit. Nearly half of Arab leaders are scheduled to stay away from the summit in what is regarded by Arab political analysts as a "severe blow" to Syrian President Bashar Assad. Ja, der dick... der kann halt nur Krieg.] Zvi Bar'el: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's concern about Iran's involvement in Gaza does not stem only from Hamas' growing military capabilities. Rather, his primary fear is that control over "Arab policy" - which has traditionally been dictated by Egypt and Saudi Arabia - will be taken over by Iran.
Das Schlußwort gehört heute einem weisen Lehrer in Rabbi-Uniform, der in seinem newsletter die komplette Weisheit seiner Gedankenkraft bündelt und in einem Anfall von Erleuchtung .... empfiehlt mal schnell die Kinder des Terroristen der die Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva attackiert hat am nächsten Baum aufzuhängen. [Idiot, der hatte doch gar keine Kinder.]
Mittwoch, 26. März 2008
Llifni: More war makes the peace go around
Es bleibt einem auch wirklich nichts erspart: Die bislang als mainstreamige Ideologistin ohne Meinung aufgetretene israelische Aussenministerin Tschippi Llifni versucht sich als Hobbyphilosophin: Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said on Wednesday that "activities against Hamas do not harm the political negotiations, rather they assist them." "I expect the Palestinian partner to continue to negotiate even as we operate in Gaza. The fact that we are conducting negotiations with [the Palestinian Authority] will not change the situation in Gaza, which must be handled as terrorists are handled," Livni said. Livni said Hamas's success was not only Israel's problem or the PA's problem, but a sign for all extremists in the surrounding nations that an extremist ideology could be enforced via democratic means." [Ich dachte immer, Israel wäre in Sachen Yisrael Beitenu + Genossen der "demokratische" Vorreiter für die anderen Extremisten.] Nun klar, Realitätsverweigerung bei Verteidigung der eigenen Strategie vor einer Lobbiisten-Veranstaltung [legitimate rights of Israel with respect to international law, schönes Beispiel: Article 23 of the Fourth Geneva Convention requires parties to certain conflicts to permit transit to enemy civilian populations of a limited number of items under a limited set of conditions. However, the fighting in and around the Gaza Strip is not a conflict covered by the Fourth Geneva Convention: the conflict is not one between state parties to the Convention, and Gaza is not occupied territory. Therefore, Israel is free to ignore the injunctions of Article 23. Vollkommener Schwachsinn, da sogar Llifni fähig ist den Wahlsieg der Hamas anzuerkennen, der Putsch faktisch von der Fatah ausging, Artikel 23 von "Durchlass" spricht ohne eine Okkupation dabei zu erwähnen, wobei dem Staat Israel das Recht zusteht zu verhindern das Güter in die Hände der Konfliktpartei [alle palästinensischen Fraktionen kommen in Frage. Es besteht das Recht Israels eine Schutzmachtüberwachung einzufordern, was es aus naheliegenden Gründen nicht tun wird.]. Andererseits legt diese Geschichte den Finger in die Wunde der israelischen "Friedenspolitik", die es ideologisch nicht gibt. Sie ist nicht vorhanden. Es gibt keine Exit-Strategie. Ariel Sharons Abzug aus dem Gazastreifen hat die erwarteten benefits erbracht: Kaum jemand fordert noch die totale Rückgabe der zionistischen siedlungsgebilde in der Westbank. Es wird darüber möglicherweise irgendwann mal verhandelt. Die Befürchtung von 2005 der Abzug würde aber die "militanten Gruppen" stärken hat sich ebenso bewahrheitet, wie man am Qassam-Raketenverkehr sehen kann. Eine Kehrtwende ist hier von Nöten, man muß sich von dem alten Ideologiegebäude das in die 90er zurück reicht lösen und den Raum neu ordnen in dem man aus der unilateralen Ordnung ["was wir machen ist am Anfang immer richtig und trägt zum Frieden bei"] ausbricht und den "Frieden" als reales Ziel vorgibt. Bei aller Kritik an ihm dürfen wir eines nicht vergessen: Der Busch hats kapiert. Zu spät, zu lasch, zu unfähig, aber hats kapiert. ein Systemwechel muß her. Die Stärkung der Moderaten wird die Extremisten zurückdrängen. Jobs, Wohlstand, blühende Westbanklandschaften, ein modernes Wohlfahrtssystem werden die Hamas vor gewaltige Probleme stellen. Dieser Annapolis-Systemwechsel ist vollinhaltlich zu unterstützen, auch wenn die Fatah nicht die Organisation der Moderaten ist. Llivni aber verrät das die israelische Politik in Annapolis war und nicht verstanden hat was Busch von ihr erwartet: "The fact that we are conducting negotiations with [the Palestinian Authority] will not change the situation in Gaza," Die Einbringung der Konstante "War = Change" + "No War = No Change" ist nicht nur als Kampfansage gegen die Thesen der Amerikaner und Europäer zu werten das man mit Israel Frieden schaffen könne, wenn es nur etwas mehr in der Westbank an Entwicklung zulassen würde. Es ist vor allem der Ausdruck das die derzeit regierigen Politiker in Israel nicht zu den Moderaten zählen und somit als Verhandlungspartner für Friedensgespräche abzulehnen sind. Des Rest des Geplappers spart man sich besser, mit Ausnahme von: "I'm ready to stand before the judgement of the international community as long as it will judge me according to its values". Klar, Tschippi! Aber erst nachdem Dir so ein Simpel die Genver Konvention so verzerrt auf israelische Belange zugeschnitten hat damit du bei jedem Kritikpunkt wahlweise "Nein", oder "böse Terroristen sind schuld" sagen kannst. Ja, es war ein Mal ein Volk das einen Albert Schweitzer hervobrachte, der sagte: "Humanität besteht darin, daß niemals ein Mensch einem Zweck geopfert wird". Daraus wurde ein Staat der "sometimes accidentally harms civilians". [...]
Maan: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced, in a meeting on Tuesday with senior leaders of his Fatah movement, that he will adopt a Yemeni-brokered agreement to resume direct talks with the rival Hamas movement, sources with knowledge of the meeting said. Present at Tuesday's meeting was Fatah's speaker in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), Azzam Al-Ahmad, who represented Fatah at last week's talks in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Abbas' aide, Nabil Amr, would hold a press conference on Wednesday in Ramallah about the Sana'a declaration. The leaked announcement ends days of disagreement within Fatah about the Yemeni-backed agreement. High-ranking Fatah leaders, including presidential aide Nimir Hammad and former Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei accused Al-Ahmad of signing the accord without consulting the Ramallah-based leadership on the final version.
Maan: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced, in a meeting on Tuesday with senior leaders of his Fatah movement, that he will adopt a Yemeni-brokered agreement to resume direct talks with the rival Hamas movement, sources with knowledge of the meeting said. Present at Tuesday's meeting was Fatah's speaker in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), Azzam Al-Ahmad, who represented Fatah at last week's talks in the Yemeni capital, Sana'a. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Abbas' aide, Nabil Amr, would hold a press conference on Wednesday in Ramallah about the Sana'a declaration. The leaked announcement ends days of disagreement within Fatah about the Yemeni-backed agreement. High-ranking Fatah leaders, including presidential aide Nimir Hammad and former Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei accused Al-Ahmad of signing the accord without consulting the Ramallah-based leadership on the final version.
Dienstag, 25. März 2008
Yemen III: Dick nach Hause geflogen, Streit über Inhalte beendet.
Head of the Palestinian negotiating team Ahmed Qurei has denied reports published by a number of news websites that three million US dollars has been diverted to a joint bank account he holds with two unknown persons. Qurei told Ma'an that the money is part of five million dollars given to Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organisation and the bank account mentioned in the news reports is the bank account of the Palestinian National Fund in the Arab Bank in Amman. [Ich habe offen gesagt keine Berichte gefunden. Das die Fatah sich schmieren läßt ist ja kein Geheimniss, oder wie sollte sonst Folterkönig Dahlan in den Genuß einer Berliner Privatklinik zur Knieheilung kommen?] [...] In Vorbereitung einer neuen Anstrengung des israelischen Verteidigungsministeriums die Bewegungsfreiheit der Palästinenser in der Westbank zu befreien fluten am Dienstag marodierende Milizen in IDF-Uniform die Städte und Dörfer des Friedenspartner und ... verhaften bei Tulkarem einen angeblichen Hamas-Waffendealer, Verwandter eines Palästinensers der wegen Beteiligung am Amphitheater-Shooting in Jordanien Oktober 2006 zu einem Jahr Haft verurteilt wurde und nun offensichtlich erstmal untergetaucht ist. In Azzun wird nicht gesucht, sondern wie seit Monaten vor ein Haus gefahren und drauf geballert. So schlimm ist das dieses Mal nicht, da die meisten Familienangehörigen des Hauses bereits verhaftet sind und nur noch die Oma und kleine Kinder drinnen wohnen. Das können wir besser! denken sich Marodierer in Doha bei Bethlehem und looten und ransacken eine ganze Häuserfront. Dabei treffen sie auf drei Aktivisten der Palästinensischen Gefangenenorganisation und laden sie herzlich zu einer Livedemonstration "Israelische Folterknechte quälen nur halb so schlimm wie ägyptische" ein. Von soviel Mut überzeugt attackieren auch die Bündnissgenossen der geschmierten Fatah vier Moscheen in Hebron um Scheich-Yassin-Plakate und andere dort hängende Propagandamittel der Hamas noch §00.0 "Das Gesetz bin ich" der palästinensischen Verfassung über die Meinungsfreiheitöffentlich zu zerreissen. Das dabei noch neun Hamasniks verhaftet werden ist eben nun mal collateraler Schaden, wenn schon unterwegs ... apropos collateral.. Drei Dutzend Häuser werden wegen der "Schaffung besserer Bewegungsfreiheit in palästinensischen Flüchtlingslagern" bei einer Aktion im Balata-Flüchtlingslager zerdeppert. Daneben wird eine der berühmten "wanted militants" Suchaktionen durchgeführt die drei Palästinenser in Gefangenschaft führt. Auf dem Rückweg macht man noch einen Abstecher in Kfar Qallil, hat aber da nur wenig Zeit und es gibt nur Hausdurchsuchungen [so mit Hündchen damit die Kinder nicht erschrecken]. Natürlich muß auch Qabatia dran, weil ... ähm .. es ist eben dran und dort werden etwa ein Dutzend Häuser stadtbekannter DFLP- und Islamic Jihad-Mitglieder ordentlich durchsucht, fast gar nichts kaputt gemacht und nur eine Verhaftung getätigt. Verständlich, denn man will ja nächste woche wieder kommen und da muß ja noch was stehen. Nachdem am Montag Abend in der Hebron-Gegend es drei Verhaftungen in zwei Städten gab wird eine Dritte Aktion in Beit Kahil durch einen steinewerfenden Mob verhindert. Die Marodierer in IDF-Uniform wagen sich jedoch mutig in die Schlacht, identifizieren den Rädelsführer des Mobs und nehmen ihn in Gewahrsam. Gibt nur ein kleines Problem dabei: Die üblichen Handschellen sind zu groß für den 12-jährigen. "Da nimm doch die Wäscheleine..." [...] Former British prime minister Tony Blair on Tuesday warned stakeholders in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that they were facing "a race against time." "It is possible to get this resolved, but we need to be aware that we are racing against time now," the envoy for the Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators - The United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia - told a European Parliament panel in Brussels.... He said peace was possible because both Israelis and Palestinians want to live side by side in peace. [Ich wußte gar nicht das Blair zur Entwaffnung und Auflösung der israelischen Banden in der Westbank bereit ist.]
Unerträgliche Ladezeiten, möglicherweise nur Schrott, aber immerhin: ZDF-Special zu den Vorgängen im Heiligen Land aus Jugendsicht. Special von Elizabeth Llorente: It was some 40 years ago that Aref Assaf was a skinny boy living with his family in a Palestinian refugee camp. He saw something no boy should see — his 11-year-old brother shot to death, a few days after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War ended.
Neue illegale outposts? Kein Problem! Defense Minister Ehud Barak recently approved the the transfer of five mobile homes to the settlement of Teneh Omarim in the southern Hebron Hills for evacuees from the Gush Katif settlement of Morag. The Civil Administration spokesman confirmed that the mobile homes had been set up with the full approval of the authorities. [Gutes Jahr für Barak. An die 100 Zivilisten gekillt, einige Islamic Jihads extralegal töten lassen, wohl auch den Hezbollah-Militärchef und nochn paar illegale outposts abgesegnet. Der wird es in Israel nochmal zu was bringen.]
A gag order was lifted Tuesday on the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Ben security service operation that culminated in the January 15 arrest of a senior operative with the militant Palestinian group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Ibrahim Sayid Ibrahim Salem of the Balata refugee camp in the West Bank admitted during questioning to his involvement in numerous shooting attacks, detonation of explosive devices and a car bombing targeting IDF forces in the Nablus region in October 2006. [..] Ibrahim Salem also revealed during questioning that he, along with other PFLP militants, was involved in the ongoing production of explosives at a hidden location in the Ein Beit Ilma refugee camp. The investigation also revealed that Ibrahim Salem had been involved in recruiting suicide bombers for the PFLP and for Hamas in Nablus. The suicide bombers recruited by the Ibrahim Salem never carried out their planned attacks. Danke. Nun ist andererseits nicht erwiesen das die "Nirhat-Shirat"-Gruppe, die angeblich aus Hamas-Milizen und [abwechselnd] PRC-PFLP-Leuten bestand nicht doch einen Anschlag geplant hat. Man hat nach Angaben der IDF ja entsprechende Laboratorien gefunden, wobei die Dynamik des Geschehens sich anders als in der Presse darstellt. Die Penetrierung des Lagers Beit Ilma wurde zuerst sehr zaghaft vorgenommen. Erst mit dem Tod des israelischen Soldaten Haneman wandelte sich das Blatt und es wurde eben jene dreitägige Operartion veranstaltet in deren Verlauf man jene "Shirat"-Gruppe identifizieren konnte. In wie weit die vermeldeten Anschlagspläne gediehen waren läßt sich nur spekulieren. Mit dem Terror-plot von Tel Aviv haben sie nichts zu tun. Da allerdings alle beteiligten noch am Leben sind darf man gespannt sein welche Ergebnisse aus den Verfahren der Beteiligten vor israelischen Gerichten an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen. Angesichts der sehr extremen Zensur-Lage dürfen wir Westeuropäer allerhöchstens hoffen das Urteil mitzubekommen.
Short news: Israel's UN ambassador, Dan Gillerman, slammed the "trend" of equating the "lawful actions" of a state defending its citizens with the "violence of terrorists," in a bitter exchange at the Security Council's monthly session on the Middle East on Tuesday. [Peinlich] An exhibition about how women coped in concentration camps during the Holocaust opened this month for the first time outside Israel at a museum in the eastern German city of Dresden. [...] In a rare departure from government practice, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah is planning to convene an interfaith conference for Muslims, Christians and Jews, according to the Saudi-owned Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper. [...] A shipment of 72 pounds of pure heroin seized by the police on the Lebanese border Tuesday originated in Afghanistan, sources in the force said. According to the police, Hizbullah facilitated the smuggling of the drugs into Israel. [...] Israel will let Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas deploy hundreds of his security forces in the West Bank city of Jenin after they complete U.S.-funded training in Jordan, Israeli officials said on Tuesday.
For more news about Syria and Lebanon visit this discussion.
Head of the Palestinian negotiating team Ahmed Qurei has denied reports published by a number of news websites that three million US dollars has been diverted to a joint bank account he holds with two unknown persons. Qurei told Ma'an that the money is part of five million dollars given to Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organisation and the bank account mentioned in the news reports is the bank account of the Palestinian National Fund in the Arab Bank in Amman. [Ich habe offen gesagt keine Berichte gefunden. Das die Fatah sich schmieren läßt ist ja kein Geheimniss, oder wie sollte sonst Folterkönig Dahlan in den Genuß einer Berliner Privatklinik zur Knieheilung kommen?] [...] In Vorbereitung einer neuen Anstrengung des israelischen Verteidigungsministeriums die Bewegungsfreiheit der Palästinenser in der Westbank zu befreien fluten am Dienstag marodierende Milizen in IDF-Uniform die Städte und Dörfer des Friedenspartner und ... verhaften bei Tulkarem einen angeblichen Hamas-Waffendealer, Verwandter eines Palästinensers der wegen Beteiligung am Amphitheater-Shooting in Jordanien Oktober 2006 zu einem Jahr Haft verurteilt wurde und nun offensichtlich erstmal untergetaucht ist. In Azzun wird nicht gesucht, sondern wie seit Monaten vor ein Haus gefahren und drauf geballert. So schlimm ist das dieses Mal nicht, da die meisten Familienangehörigen des Hauses bereits verhaftet sind und nur noch die Oma und kleine Kinder drinnen wohnen. Das können wir besser! denken sich Marodierer in Doha bei Bethlehem und looten und ransacken eine ganze Häuserfront. Dabei treffen sie auf drei Aktivisten der Palästinensischen Gefangenenorganisation und laden sie herzlich zu einer Livedemonstration "Israelische Folterknechte quälen nur halb so schlimm wie ägyptische" ein. Von soviel Mut überzeugt attackieren auch die Bündnissgenossen der geschmierten Fatah vier Moscheen in Hebron um Scheich-Yassin-Plakate und andere dort hängende Propagandamittel der Hamas noch §00.0 "Das Gesetz bin ich" der palästinensischen Verfassung über die Meinungsfreiheitöffentlich zu zerreissen. Das dabei noch neun Hamasniks verhaftet werden ist eben nun mal collateraler Schaden, wenn schon unterwegs ... apropos collateral.. Drei Dutzend Häuser werden wegen der "Schaffung besserer Bewegungsfreiheit in palästinensischen Flüchtlingslagern" bei einer Aktion im Balata-Flüchtlingslager zerdeppert. Daneben wird eine der berühmten "wanted militants" Suchaktionen durchgeführt die drei Palästinenser in Gefangenschaft führt. Auf dem Rückweg macht man noch einen Abstecher in Kfar Qallil, hat aber da nur wenig Zeit und es gibt nur Hausdurchsuchungen [so mit Hündchen damit die Kinder nicht erschrecken]. Natürlich muß auch Qabatia dran, weil ... ähm .. es ist eben dran und dort werden etwa ein Dutzend Häuser stadtbekannter DFLP- und Islamic Jihad-Mitglieder ordentlich durchsucht, fast gar nichts kaputt gemacht und nur eine Verhaftung getätigt. Verständlich, denn man will ja nächste woche wieder kommen und da muß ja noch was stehen. Nachdem am Montag Abend in der Hebron-Gegend es drei Verhaftungen in zwei Städten gab wird eine Dritte Aktion in Beit Kahil durch einen steinewerfenden Mob verhindert. Die Marodierer in IDF-Uniform wagen sich jedoch mutig in die Schlacht, identifizieren den Rädelsführer des Mobs und nehmen ihn in Gewahrsam. Gibt nur ein kleines Problem dabei: Die üblichen Handschellen sind zu groß für den 12-jährigen. "Da nimm doch die Wäscheleine..." [...] Former British prime minister Tony Blair on Tuesday warned stakeholders in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that they were facing "a race against time." "It is possible to get this resolved, but we need to be aware that we are racing against time now," the envoy for the Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators - The United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia - told a European Parliament panel in Brussels.... He said peace was possible because both Israelis and Palestinians want to live side by side in peace. [Ich wußte gar nicht das Blair zur Entwaffnung und Auflösung der israelischen Banden in der Westbank bereit ist.]
Unerträgliche Ladezeiten, möglicherweise nur Schrott, aber immerhin: ZDF-Special zu den Vorgängen im Heiligen Land aus Jugendsicht. Special von Elizabeth Llorente: It was some 40 years ago that Aref Assaf was a skinny boy living with his family in a Palestinian refugee camp. He saw something no boy should see — his 11-year-old brother shot to death, a few days after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War ended.
Neue illegale outposts? Kein Problem! Defense Minister Ehud Barak recently approved the the transfer of five mobile homes to the settlement of Teneh Omarim in the southern Hebron Hills for evacuees from the Gush Katif settlement of Morag. The Civil Administration spokesman confirmed that the mobile homes had been set up with the full approval of the authorities. [Gutes Jahr für Barak. An die 100 Zivilisten gekillt, einige Islamic Jihads extralegal töten lassen, wohl auch den Hezbollah-Militärchef und nochn paar illegale outposts abgesegnet. Der wird es in Israel nochmal zu was bringen.]
A gag order was lifted Tuesday on the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Ben security service operation that culminated in the January 15 arrest of a senior operative with the militant Palestinian group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Ibrahim Sayid Ibrahim Salem of the Balata refugee camp in the West Bank admitted during questioning to his involvement in numerous shooting attacks, detonation of explosive devices and a car bombing targeting IDF forces in the Nablus region in October 2006. [..] Ibrahim Salem also revealed during questioning that he, along with other PFLP militants, was involved in the ongoing production of explosives at a hidden location in the Ein Beit Ilma refugee camp. The investigation also revealed that Ibrahim Salem had been involved in recruiting suicide bombers for the PFLP and for Hamas in Nablus. The suicide bombers recruited by the Ibrahim Salem never carried out their planned attacks. Danke. Nun ist andererseits nicht erwiesen das die "Nirhat-Shirat"-Gruppe, die angeblich aus Hamas-Milizen und [abwechselnd] PRC-PFLP-Leuten bestand nicht doch einen Anschlag geplant hat. Man hat nach Angaben der IDF ja entsprechende Laboratorien gefunden, wobei die Dynamik des Geschehens sich anders als in der Presse darstellt. Die Penetrierung des Lagers Beit Ilma wurde zuerst sehr zaghaft vorgenommen. Erst mit dem Tod des israelischen Soldaten Haneman wandelte sich das Blatt und es wurde eben jene dreitägige Operartion veranstaltet in deren Verlauf man jene "Shirat"-Gruppe identifizieren konnte. In wie weit die vermeldeten Anschlagspläne gediehen waren läßt sich nur spekulieren. Mit dem Terror-plot von Tel Aviv haben sie nichts zu tun. Da allerdings alle beteiligten noch am Leben sind darf man gespannt sein welche Ergebnisse aus den Verfahren der Beteiligten vor israelischen Gerichten an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen. Angesichts der sehr extremen Zensur-Lage dürfen wir Westeuropäer allerhöchstens hoffen das Urteil mitzubekommen.
Short news: Israel's UN ambassador, Dan Gillerman, slammed the "trend" of equating the "lawful actions" of a state defending its citizens with the "violence of terrorists," in a bitter exchange at the Security Council's monthly session on the Middle East on Tuesday. [Peinlich] An exhibition about how women coped in concentration camps during the Holocaust opened this month for the first time outside Israel at a museum in the eastern German city of Dresden. [...] In a rare departure from government practice, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah is planning to convene an interfaith conference for Muslims, Christians and Jews, according to the Saudi-owned Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper. [...] A shipment of 72 pounds of pure heroin seized by the police on the Lebanese border Tuesday originated in Afghanistan, sources in the force said. According to the police, Hizbullah facilitated the smuggling of the drugs into Israel. [...] Israel will let Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas deploy hundreds of his security forces in the West Bank city of Jenin after they complete U.S.-funded training in Jordan, Israeli officials said on Tuesday.
For more news about Syria and Lebanon visit this discussion.
Montag, 24. März 2008
IDF kills Two - Yemen II
Nach palästinensischen Angaben wird in der Nähe des Kisufim-Crossing ein palästinensischer Landwirt durch IDF-Feuer getötet. Ein weiterer Zivilist wird schwer verletzt. Nach der Version "al-Mughrabi" [reuters] sind die Zivilisten während laufender Kampfhandlungen IDF gegen PRC beschossen worden. Da es keine entsprechende Verlautbarung der PRC gibt: "Hörensagen". Ein PRC-statement besagt einen RPG-Beschuß eines Bulldozers im Osten Deir al-Balahs, während Kisufim im Süden liegt. Am Morgen stirbt ein in der letzten Woche verletztes Mitglied des Islamic Jihad an Verletzungen, die es sich bei einem Luftangriff der IAF zugezogen hatte. Aktivitäten palästinensischer milizen bleiben Mangelware. Zwei kleinere Vorfälle im Gazastreifen.
Die US-amerikanische Gesandschaft dick erneuert am Morgen nochmals die speziellen Wüsche an die finanziell abhängigen Fatahisten: U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney said on Monday he did not believe Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas would agree to reconcile with Hamas until the Islamist group gave up control of the Gaza Strip. Cheney spoke to reporters following a breakfast meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and a day after Abbas's Fatah faction and Hamas issued a declaration in Sanaa agreeing to resume dialogue under a Yemeni fence-mending initiative. "My conclusion from talking with the Palestinian leadership is that they have established preconditions which would have to be fulfilled before they would ever agree to a reconciliation, including a complete reversal of the Hamas takeover of Gaza," said Cheney, who later flew on to Ankara. "It is clearly a difficult situation, in part, because I think it's true, there's evidence, that Hamas is supported by Iran and Syria and that they're doing everything they can to torpedo the peace process." Cheney said that in his meeting with Palestinian leaders on Sunday they talked about efforts under way in Yemen to encourage reconciliation between moderate and militant Palestinians. Damit er zufrieden abreisen kann vollführen die beiden Parteien einen netten Schaukampf: Hours after signing an agreement in Yemen on Sunday, the rival Hamas and Fatah movements began to argue over the meaning of that agreement. The Palestinian presidency issued a statement arguing that the agreement called for implementation of certain demands, while Hamas viewed it merely as a pledge to begin dialogue, sources told Ma'an. Da die nächste Verhandlungsrunde im April statt finden soll, momentan eher unerheblich. Die zur Schau gestellte3 Verweigerungshaltung der Präsidentschaft: The Fatah leadership has warned that failure of the Yemeni initiative for reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah would have serious repercussions for the Palestinian cause, Fatah leader Hatem Abdel Qader said on Monday. Controversy surrounds the deal which top aides to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas say was signed without the go-ahead of Abbas and should not have been signed at all. Andere berichten: A senior Abbas confidant, chief Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia, said Monday that former Deputy Palestinian Prime Minister Azzam al-Ahmed signed the Yemeni declaration due to a mix-up. Al-Ahmed called Abbas' office repeatedly to get guidance, but Abbas was meeting at the time with US Vice President Dick Cheney, and al-Ahmed went ahead and signed, Qureia said. Ein derartig albernes Marionettenregierungsgehabe findet man wohl erst wieder in den 70ern irgendwo mitten in Schwarzafrika. Ich würde allerdings ruhig abwarten, denn ein neues Treffen ist ja anberaumt. Die Hamas ist hingegen der Ansicht vorgezogene Neuwahlen wären ein guter Weg aus dem Schlamassel zu kommen. Auch die israelischen Machthaber lassen Klarheit aufkommen: An Israeli official said that a reconciliation between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas would mean an end to peace talks with the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority. Von welchen "peace talks" er jedoch redet verschweit er uns. Vielleicht meint er den billigen Dekretterror seines Verteidigungsministers? Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Monday that Israel will soon begin making life easier for West Bank Palestinians, but that it won't remove checkpoints for now. Barak said that Israel would facilitate the construction of several industrial zones meant to provide thousands of jobs and boost the Palestinian economy. Many of the projects, funded by foreign governments, have been held up because of Israeli security concerns. However, Barak gave no timetable for the projects and did not say how he intended to move them forward. Visiting a crossing terminal between the southern West Bank and Israel, Barak said Israel would soon take steps to expedite movement through the hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks Israel has built in the West Bank. ... Vorher aber noch ein bisschen Diplomatenfangen spielen: Meanwhile, an aide to Abbas, Ahmed al-Weidi, said he was detained by Israeli police and questioned for five hours. Al-Weidi, an adviser on Jerusalem affairs, said Israel wanted information about a visit to Lebanon last month. He said the trip was to discuss the Arab League's designation of Jerusalem as an Arab cultural capital. Im Grundsatz ist die derzeitige israelische Position fast schon zu niveaulos um sie nieder zu schreiben: Man macht ohne Willen zu einem Waffenstillstand mit der Hamas zu bekunden die Abbas-Präsidentschaft für die Beendigung der Hamas-Regierung im Gazastreifen verantwortlich. Seine Versuche führen jedoch unweigerlich zu einem Abbruch der Verhandlungen. Passender Kommentar der Aussenamtsangestelten Israels: "The method by which the Ministry is managed is leading the entire organization to a situation of organizational collapse." [Auch wenns DA nur ums Geld ging.]
The military police, the northern district police and the security services arrested a career Israel Defense Forces soldier last month on suspicion that he had handed over secrets to the Lebanon-based guerilla group Hezbollah. Two other suspects were also arrested during the course of the investigation, who apparently belonged to a ring of drug smugglers from southern Lebanon into Israel. [...] Israel has decided against buying a U.S.-produced anti-rocket laser for the border with the Hamas-run Gaza Strip because of the device's poor performance in field tests, a top Israeli defence official said on Monday. Israeli state arms firm Rafael is developing Iron Dome, which is designed to shoot down Palestinian rockets from Gaza with miniature missiles, but that system is not expected to be operational before 2010. Seeking a stop-gap countermeasure, Defence Ministry director-general Pinchas Buchris flew to the United States last week to re-evaluate Nautilus, an Israeli-U.S. invention that uses a laser to blow up rockets and mortar bombs mid-flight. Israeli experts had previously written off Nautilus -- which is being upgraded under a new name, Skyguard -- as unreliable, and Israel's Army Radio said Buchris had found little improvement. + Defense officials view laser as future of anti-missile technology [...] Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday said that recent threats by Hezbollah must be taken seriously, referring to intelligence warnings of attacks by the Lebanese guerilla group to avenge its slain deputy leader Imad Mughniyah. Barak's comments came as Hezbollah was scheduled to hold a formal service to commemorate 40 days since Mughniyah's death to be attended by the organization's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, who was expected to make a speech at the service. [...] Give the jew girl toys! Rhe IDF's Human Resources Directorate has spoken out against draft-dodging by religious Zionists and Tel Aviv residents, and has now focused his attention on girls who claim to be religious in order to evade service.
Police and sappers were once again dispatched to Ariel's IDF Street during the Purim holiday Friday morning. A few minutes earlier, a man had knocked on the door of the Leibovitz family home and left a cardboard box with the boy who answered the door. "It's mishloach manot, a Purim gift basket," explained the visitor before disappearing. The boy and his older brother trembled with fear. Their parents, who were out of town, ordered the boys by phone to get away from the package and call the police. In another residential building, 50 meters away, a bomb planted in a Purim gift basket had exploded the day before. [...] Members of the Arab political parties and of the left-wing Meretz Party stormed out of the Knesset plenum on Monday when the Chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, Avigdor Lieberman, entered the hall. This move was reminiscent of a practice instituted in the days of the late right-wing extremist Meir Kahane. + Shahar Ilan, "The vision of an arab free Knesset"
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak heads for Russia on Monday where he is expected to get assurances of Russian assistance to build a nuclear facility. [...] Finance Ministry Director General Yarom Ariav has a dream: to turn Israel into an international financial center. His goal is for the financial industry to join high tech, bio-technology and nano-technology - and for finance to become a leading growth engine for Israel's economy. [...] Stanley Fischer, governor of the Bank of Israel, cut the rate by half a percent to 3.25 percent on Monday. The goal is to stop the drop in the value of the American dollar against the Israeli shekel. + As Jewish Agency funds dwindle, the immigration-oriented governmental body is turning to ultra-Orthodox philanthropists for donations to bring thousands of young Jews to Israel on organized trips, Haaretz has learned.
Da momentan wenig Zeit ist: Für die Themenbereiche Syrien und Libanon bitte hier mit Informationen versorgen.
Die US-amerikanische Gesandschaft dick erneuert am Morgen nochmals die speziellen Wüsche an die finanziell abhängigen Fatahisten: U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney said on Monday he did not believe Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas would agree to reconcile with Hamas until the Islamist group gave up control of the Gaza Strip. Cheney spoke to reporters following a breakfast meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and a day after Abbas's Fatah faction and Hamas issued a declaration in Sanaa agreeing to resume dialogue under a Yemeni fence-mending initiative. "My conclusion from talking with the Palestinian leadership is that they have established preconditions which would have to be fulfilled before they would ever agree to a reconciliation, including a complete reversal of the Hamas takeover of Gaza," said Cheney, who later flew on to Ankara. "It is clearly a difficult situation, in part, because I think it's true, there's evidence, that Hamas is supported by Iran and Syria and that they're doing everything they can to torpedo the peace process." Cheney said that in his meeting with Palestinian leaders on Sunday they talked about efforts under way in Yemen to encourage reconciliation between moderate and militant Palestinians. Damit er zufrieden abreisen kann vollführen die beiden Parteien einen netten Schaukampf: Hours after signing an agreement in Yemen on Sunday, the rival Hamas and Fatah movements began to argue over the meaning of that agreement. The Palestinian presidency issued a statement arguing that the agreement called for implementation of certain demands, while Hamas viewed it merely as a pledge to begin dialogue, sources told Ma'an. Da die nächste Verhandlungsrunde im April statt finden soll, momentan eher unerheblich. Die zur Schau gestellte3 Verweigerungshaltung der Präsidentschaft: The Fatah leadership has warned that failure of the Yemeni initiative for reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah would have serious repercussions for the Palestinian cause, Fatah leader Hatem Abdel Qader said on Monday. Controversy surrounds the deal which top aides to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas say was signed without the go-ahead of Abbas and should not have been signed at all. Andere berichten: A senior Abbas confidant, chief Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia, said Monday that former Deputy Palestinian Prime Minister Azzam al-Ahmed signed the Yemeni declaration due to a mix-up. Al-Ahmed called Abbas' office repeatedly to get guidance, but Abbas was meeting at the time with US Vice President Dick Cheney, and al-Ahmed went ahead and signed, Qureia said. Ein derartig albernes Marionettenregierungsgehabe findet man wohl erst wieder in den 70ern irgendwo mitten in Schwarzafrika. Ich würde allerdings ruhig abwarten, denn ein neues Treffen ist ja anberaumt. Die Hamas ist hingegen der Ansicht vorgezogene Neuwahlen wären ein guter Weg aus dem Schlamassel zu kommen. Auch die israelischen Machthaber lassen Klarheit aufkommen: An Israeli official said that a reconciliation between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas would mean an end to peace talks with the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority. Von welchen "peace talks" er jedoch redet verschweit er uns. Vielleicht meint er den billigen Dekretterror seines Verteidigungsministers? Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Monday that Israel will soon begin making life easier for West Bank Palestinians, but that it won't remove checkpoints for now. Barak said that Israel would facilitate the construction of several industrial zones meant to provide thousands of jobs and boost the Palestinian economy. Many of the projects, funded by foreign governments, have been held up because of Israeli security concerns. However, Barak gave no timetable for the projects and did not say how he intended to move them forward. Visiting a crossing terminal between the southern West Bank and Israel, Barak said Israel would soon take steps to expedite movement through the hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks Israel has built in the West Bank. ... Vorher aber noch ein bisschen Diplomatenfangen spielen: Meanwhile, an aide to Abbas, Ahmed al-Weidi, said he was detained by Israeli police and questioned for five hours. Al-Weidi, an adviser on Jerusalem affairs, said Israel wanted information about a visit to Lebanon last month. He said the trip was to discuss the Arab League's designation of Jerusalem as an Arab cultural capital. Im Grundsatz ist die derzeitige israelische Position fast schon zu niveaulos um sie nieder zu schreiben: Man macht ohne Willen zu einem Waffenstillstand mit der Hamas zu bekunden die Abbas-Präsidentschaft für die Beendigung der Hamas-Regierung im Gazastreifen verantwortlich. Seine Versuche führen jedoch unweigerlich zu einem Abbruch der Verhandlungen. Passender Kommentar der Aussenamtsangestelten Israels: "The method by which the Ministry is managed is leading the entire organization to a situation of organizational collapse." [Auch wenns DA nur ums Geld ging.]
The military police, the northern district police and the security services arrested a career Israel Defense Forces soldier last month on suspicion that he had handed over secrets to the Lebanon-based guerilla group Hezbollah. Two other suspects were also arrested during the course of the investigation, who apparently belonged to a ring of drug smugglers from southern Lebanon into Israel. [...] Israel has decided against buying a U.S.-produced anti-rocket laser for the border with the Hamas-run Gaza Strip because of the device's poor performance in field tests, a top Israeli defence official said on Monday. Israeli state arms firm Rafael is developing Iron Dome, which is designed to shoot down Palestinian rockets from Gaza with miniature missiles, but that system is not expected to be operational before 2010. Seeking a stop-gap countermeasure, Defence Ministry director-general Pinchas Buchris flew to the United States last week to re-evaluate Nautilus, an Israeli-U.S. invention that uses a laser to blow up rockets and mortar bombs mid-flight. Israeli experts had previously written off Nautilus -- which is being upgraded under a new name, Skyguard -- as unreliable, and Israel's Army Radio said Buchris had found little improvement. + Defense officials view laser as future of anti-missile technology [...] Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday said that recent threats by Hezbollah must be taken seriously, referring to intelligence warnings of attacks by the Lebanese guerilla group to avenge its slain deputy leader Imad Mughniyah. Barak's comments came as Hezbollah was scheduled to hold a formal service to commemorate 40 days since Mughniyah's death to be attended by the organization's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, who was expected to make a speech at the service. [...] Give the jew girl toys! Rhe IDF's Human Resources Directorate has spoken out against draft-dodging by religious Zionists and Tel Aviv residents, and has now focused his attention on girls who claim to be religious in order to evade service.
Police and sappers were once again dispatched to Ariel's IDF Street during the Purim holiday Friday morning. A few minutes earlier, a man had knocked on the door of the Leibovitz family home and left a cardboard box with the boy who answered the door. "It's mishloach manot, a Purim gift basket," explained the visitor before disappearing. The boy and his older brother trembled with fear. Their parents, who were out of town, ordered the boys by phone to get away from the package and call the police. In another residential building, 50 meters away, a bomb planted in a Purim gift basket had exploded the day before. [...] Members of the Arab political parties and of the left-wing Meretz Party stormed out of the Knesset plenum on Monday when the Chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, Avigdor Lieberman, entered the hall. This move was reminiscent of a practice instituted in the days of the late right-wing extremist Meir Kahane. + Shahar Ilan, "The vision of an arab free Knesset"
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak heads for Russia on Monday where he is expected to get assurances of Russian assistance to build a nuclear facility. [...] Finance Ministry Director General Yarom Ariav has a dream: to turn Israel into an international financial center. His goal is for the financial industry to join high tech, bio-technology and nano-technology - and for finance to become a leading growth engine for Israel's economy. [...] Stanley Fischer, governor of the Bank of Israel, cut the rate by half a percent to 3.25 percent on Monday. The goal is to stop the drop in the value of the American dollar against the Israeli shekel. + As Jewish Agency funds dwindle, the immigration-oriented governmental body is turning to ultra-Orthodox philanthropists for donations to bring thousands of young Jews to Israel on organized trips, Haaretz has learned.
Da momentan wenig Zeit ist: Für die Themenbereiche Syrien und Libanon bitte hier mit Informationen versorgen.
Sonntag, 23. März 2008
Yemeni Initiative
Langsam klärt sich die Frage nach den konkreten Ergebnissen in Sana: Rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah reached a Yemeni-brokered deal overnight to open their first direct talks since the Islamists' bloody seizure of the Gaza Strip nine months ago. Yemeni President President Ali Abdullah Saleh said he was ready to host the dialogue from early next month but warned that negotiations to reach a detailed reconciliation accord would be difficult. The so-called Sanaa Declaration was signed by Fatah parliamentary leader Azzam al-Ahmed and Hamas number two Mussa Abu Marzuk. ... Despite the fact that Sunday's development reflects a failure of the Yemen-brokered meetings held over the last five days, it is still a small step forward in getting rival Palestinians to start talking to each other. ... The Yemen gathering's chief achievement was that the Palestinian factions met for the first time in signing the statement Sunday after holding proxy talks with Yemeni officials. Many previous attempts by several Arab mediators to bring the Palestinians together failed. Abbas insisted Hamas should apologize first for its military takeover of Gaza. The Yemeni initiative calls for the creation of a national unity government and the rebuilding of security forces loyal to a common government rather than to factions. It also calls for Arab states such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan, to form a council to oversee the implementation of the Yemeni plan. Interessant erscheint die Frage weshalb Anschlußgespäche erst in zwei Wichen statt finden sollen. Wohl eher eine Frage der Verhandlungen Fatah-Israel, wobei Israel kaum fähig sein wird urplötzliche aus dem totalen Stillstand den es selbst kreirt hat heraus zu kommen. Der Text der Vereinbarung Hamas-Fatah ist enorm übersichtlich: "We, the representatives of Fatah and Hamas, agree to the Yemeni initiative as a framework to resume dialogue between the two movements to return the Palestinian situation to what it was before the Gaza incidents, as affirming on the unity of the Palestinian people, territory and authority." [Besser als nichts.] Die Lage der Verhandlungen in Rafah zwischen Islamic Jihad und Hamas: An official in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's bureau on Sunday denied a report that Israel has offered Hamas and Islamic Jihad a year-long cease-fire in return for an end to Qassam rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip on its southern communities. "There are no direct or indirect contacts with Hamas. Our position is that if they don't shoot at us from Gaza, we won't shoot back," the source said. Earlier Sunday, the London-based Arabic daily Al-Hayat reported that Egyptian intermediaries on Saturday told representatives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad that Israel would agree to a year-long truce if they would halt the rocket attacks from Gaza. [Technischer Fehler: Eigentlich sollte das Schicksal des entführten Soldaten Shalit den gleichen Rang wie Attacken auf Sderot haben.] Die ägyptische Seite übermittelt "keine positiven Signale" an die Verhandlungsgruppe in Rafah, läßt aber 34 inhaftierte Gazans als nette Geste frei. Wie zu erwarten wird derweil Mahmoud Abbas von den amerikanischen hawks in leibhaftiger Form des Vizepräsidenten die Hölle wegen Sana ordentlich heiß gemacht: U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday said an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement will require "painful concessions" by both sides, but added that with hard work, success will be achieved. Speaking in the West Bank on Sunday after meeting the moderate Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, Cheney also had tough criticism for the Islamic militant group Hamas. "The U.S. remains strongly committed to the establishment of a Palestinian state," Cheney said. "Achieving that will require tremendous effort at the negotiating table and painful concessions on both sides. It will also require a determination to defeat those who are committed to violence and who refuse to accept the basic right of the other side to exist." [Interessanter, neuer roadmap-Punkt, kenne ich noch gar nicht, dick.] Earlier Sunday, President Shimon Peres dismissed recent Syrian calls for peace talks, telling Cheney that Israel would not consider ceding the Golan Heights to Syria only to have Damascus and Tehran increase their dominance in Lebanon. During a meeting between the two leaders in Jerusalem, Peres said "Israel is not willing to return the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for Iranian-Syrian control of Lebanon," referring in part to the Damascus and Tehran's support for the Lebanese guerilla group Hezbollah. Last week, Peres made similar remarks to visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov , when he said "talk of peace from Syria arouses distrust within Israel." The president added that while Israel is always ready to negotiate toward peace with Syria, the duplicitous game that Assad is playing in Syria cannot be ignored. He noted that a tremendous amount of Iranian-funded weapons are transferred to Hezbollah every day through Syria. [Der arme Friedensnobelpreisträger ist wohl mit dem vielen Frieden schließen eeeetwas überfordert.] ... Kommentar: Despite the frequent meetings, at all levels of the indirect talks, it is still not possible to say there is a done deal between Israel, Egypt and Hamas, which details a cease-fire agreement in the Gaza Strip. On Saturday, too, Hamas and Islamic Jihad representatives met with members of the Egyptian intelligence at El Arish. Major General (res.) Amos Gilad has been making frequent visits Cairo on behalf of the Defense Ministry's political-security bureau. Even if the sides do not reach a full agreement, and even if they do not decide to reopen the border crossings of the Strip, the situation on the ground is fairly clear: a complete lull, for now, in the fighting between Israel and Hamas and brief exchanges between Israel and Jihad.
Die Westbank meldet einen schwer verletzten da durch Marodierer die sich als israelische Freiheitskämpfer verkleideten angeschossen. SiedlerSchlägertrupps malträtieren zwei palästinensische Jugendliche in der Gegen von Nablus. Fünf Palästinenser werden durch die Israelis und sechs Hamasniks durch die Fatah verhaftet. In Beita, südlich von Nablus kommt es zu einem Affront gegen die Familie eines palästinensischen Sicherheitsoffiziers. Am Ostersamstag Morgen werden fünf Jugendliche von der IDF aufgegriffen, darunter der Sohn des Offiziers. Daraufhin stürmen nach seinen Angaben etwa 50 Israelis die Nachbarschaft, looten das Haus, stehlen zudem Bargeld und Papiere, hetzen eine halbe Stunde Polizeihunde auf tweilsweise minderjährige Familienangehörige. Ob solche Mißhandlungsopfer auch versogt werden?: The Palestinian Authority is launching a new socioeconomic network meant to counter the Hamas welfare system, the Dawa, which has been successful in assisting poor Palestinians for two decades. The program is being backed by both Israel and the Quartet - the U.S., UN, EU and Russia - including its Middle East envoy Tony Blair. On the Israeli side, the officials coordinating activities in the territories - under Major General Yosef Mishlav and Social Affairs Minister Isaac Herzog - are involved in supporting the PA. Eher nicht: According to PA Social Affairs Minister Mahmoud Habash, nearly 160,000 needy families are supported by the government, and 50,000 are receiving monthly stipends. Some 110,000 more receive food assistance. The PA budget for these purposes is a mere NIS 7 million per year, according to Habash. A total of 1,400 social workers are employed by the PA - 1,000 as advisers and the rest as administrative staff. [Nach Abzug der Korruptionskosten bleibt kaum was für die "needy" übrig.]
Daniel Levy, "Netanjahus horrible 2008 - so far": This was supposed to be the year in which Benjamin Netanyahu was re-crowned King of Israel—he looked untouchable in the polls and sitting PM Ehud Olmert’s days looked numbered. That might still happen, but an inauspicious start to 2008 turned downright ugly this past weekend for Netanyahu when a new political scandal broke—with him at its epicenter. Israel TV Channel 10’s Raviv Druker broke the story—not only of profligacy and embarrassing personal indulgence—but also a violation of the parliamentary ethical code and perhaps the illegal receipt of gifts. + "Netanjahu seeks to contain image damage": This time it truly does smell very bad, and it's clear that the damage to Benjamin Netanyahu's image is considerable, senior Likud officials said on Saturday in response to a report in Friday's Yedioth Ahronoth alleging that the party chairman "arranged" two trips to France in the past several years via Israel Bonds. [...] Bibi to dick: "I spoke to him about the need to remove the Iranian threat before (the Islamic republic) arms itself with a nuclear bomb. There are additional Iranian issues which must be prevented, including the need to prevent Iran from building its main bases in the region, from Gaza to Lebanon, and particularly in Jerusalem," he noted.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert instructed the defense establishment to prevent the infiltration of African refugees across the Egyptian border into Israel. Olmert further called on the Defense, Foreign and Public Security Ministries to increase their activities on the matter. "We must take every measure necessary to prevent such infiltrations, even if it means increasing deployment across the border," he said. [...] Hezbollah's deputy secretary general Naim Qassem has again accused Israel of responsibility for the assassination of the organization's senior military figure Imad Mughniyah. In a speech Friday to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, Qassem said "we have clear proof, of 100 percent that cannot be doubted, that Israel is the head of the assassination."
Editorial: Two of the most prominent personages today in the global arena, who visited Israel last week, spoke clearly and lucidly against the Iranian danger. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential frontrunner, agree that the Islamic Republic in Tehran is a genuine threat to the security of Israel, the Middle East and even beyond. Through its attempts to procure nuclear weapons and its declared ambition to destroy Israel, its active support of Hezbollah and Hamas and its incitement of American forces in Iraq, Iran has proved to be a power that is actively undermining worldwide stability. The international community is obligated to work to stop Iran before it causes a major conflagration. [...] Gideon Levy, "With friends like this": The amount of support being shown for Israel these days is almost embarrassing. The parade of highly-placed foreign guests and the warm reception received by Israeli statesmen abroad have not been seen for quite some time. Who hasn't come to visit lately? From the German chancellor to the leading frontrunner for the American presidency. And the secretary-general of the United Nations is on his way. A visit to Israel has become de rigueur for foreign pols. If you haven't been here, you're nowhere.
Amir Oren, "Between Gaza and Mars": Mark Brilakis, a brigadier general in the U.S. Marine Corps, visited Israel this week at the head of a team of U.S. officers. They spent their time at the army base in Ramat Aviv, where the Israel Defense Forces orchestra and the liaison office with foreign armies are peacefully dwelling. Brilakis, an operations officer at the U.S. Army European Command (EUCOM), was there to conduct Juniper Falcon, a desk and computer exercise for the emergency provision of weapons and equipment to Israel. (In Hebrew, the exercise is known as "harish amok" - literally, deep furrow.) Opposite Brilakis, at the head of the Israeli team, sat officers from the planning and logistics divisions of the General Staff. At the same time as Republican presidential candidate John McCain and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak were landing in front of the cameras in Sderot, Brilakis was preparing to return to his offices in Stuttgart.
Die Westbank meldet einen schwer verletzten da durch Marodierer die sich als israelische Freiheitskämpfer verkleideten angeschossen. SiedlerSchlägertrupps malträtieren zwei palästinensische Jugendliche in der Gegen von Nablus. Fünf Palästinenser werden durch die Israelis und sechs Hamasniks durch die Fatah verhaftet. In Beita, südlich von Nablus kommt es zu einem Affront gegen die Familie eines palästinensischen Sicherheitsoffiziers. Am Ostersamstag Morgen werden fünf Jugendliche von der IDF aufgegriffen, darunter der Sohn des Offiziers. Daraufhin stürmen nach seinen Angaben etwa 50 Israelis die Nachbarschaft, looten das Haus, stehlen zudem Bargeld und Papiere, hetzen eine halbe Stunde Polizeihunde auf tweilsweise minderjährige Familienangehörige. Ob solche Mißhandlungsopfer auch versogt werden?: The Palestinian Authority is launching a new socioeconomic network meant to counter the Hamas welfare system, the Dawa, which has been successful in assisting poor Palestinians for two decades. The program is being backed by both Israel and the Quartet - the U.S., UN, EU and Russia - including its Middle East envoy Tony Blair. On the Israeli side, the officials coordinating activities in the territories - under Major General Yosef Mishlav and Social Affairs Minister Isaac Herzog - are involved in supporting the PA. Eher nicht: According to PA Social Affairs Minister Mahmoud Habash, nearly 160,000 needy families are supported by the government, and 50,000 are receiving monthly stipends. Some 110,000 more receive food assistance. The PA budget for these purposes is a mere NIS 7 million per year, according to Habash. A total of 1,400 social workers are employed by the PA - 1,000 as advisers and the rest as administrative staff. [Nach Abzug der Korruptionskosten bleibt kaum was für die "needy" übrig.]
Daniel Levy, "Netanjahus horrible 2008 - so far": This was supposed to be the year in which Benjamin Netanyahu was re-crowned King of Israel—he looked untouchable in the polls and sitting PM Ehud Olmert’s days looked numbered. That might still happen, but an inauspicious start to 2008 turned downright ugly this past weekend for Netanyahu when a new political scandal broke—with him at its epicenter. Israel TV Channel 10’s Raviv Druker broke the story—not only of profligacy and embarrassing personal indulgence—but also a violation of the parliamentary ethical code and perhaps the illegal receipt of gifts. + "Netanjahu seeks to contain image damage": This time it truly does smell very bad, and it's clear that the damage to Benjamin Netanyahu's image is considerable, senior Likud officials said on Saturday in response to a report in Friday's Yedioth Ahronoth alleging that the party chairman "arranged" two trips to France in the past several years via Israel Bonds. [...] Bibi to dick: "I spoke to him about the need to remove the Iranian threat before (the Islamic republic) arms itself with a nuclear bomb. There are additional Iranian issues which must be prevented, including the need to prevent Iran from building its main bases in the region, from Gaza to Lebanon, and particularly in Jerusalem," he noted.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert instructed the defense establishment to prevent the infiltration of African refugees across the Egyptian border into Israel. Olmert further called on the Defense, Foreign and Public Security Ministries to increase their activities on the matter. "We must take every measure necessary to prevent such infiltrations, even if it means increasing deployment across the border," he said. [...] Hezbollah's deputy secretary general Naim Qassem has again accused Israel of responsibility for the assassination of the organization's senior military figure Imad Mughniyah. In a speech Friday to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, Qassem said "we have clear proof, of 100 percent that cannot be doubted, that Israel is the head of the assassination."
Editorial: Two of the most prominent personages today in the global arena, who visited Israel last week, spoke clearly and lucidly against the Iranian danger. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential frontrunner, agree that the Islamic Republic in Tehran is a genuine threat to the security of Israel, the Middle East and even beyond. Through its attempts to procure nuclear weapons and its declared ambition to destroy Israel, its active support of Hezbollah and Hamas and its incitement of American forces in Iraq, Iran has proved to be a power that is actively undermining worldwide stability. The international community is obligated to work to stop Iran before it causes a major conflagration. [...] Gideon Levy, "With friends like this": The amount of support being shown for Israel these days is almost embarrassing. The parade of highly-placed foreign guests and the warm reception received by Israeli statesmen abroad have not been seen for quite some time. Who hasn't come to visit lately? From the German chancellor to the leading frontrunner for the American presidency. And the secretary-general of the United Nations is on his way. A visit to Israel has become de rigueur for foreign pols. If you haven't been here, you're nowhere.
Amir Oren, "Between Gaza and Mars": Mark Brilakis, a brigadier general in the U.S. Marine Corps, visited Israel this week at the head of a team of U.S. officers. They spent their time at the army base in Ramat Aviv, where the Israel Defense Forces orchestra and the liaison office with foreign armies are peacefully dwelling. Brilakis, an operations officer at the U.S. Army European Command (EUCOM), was there to conduct Juniper Falcon, a desk and computer exercise for the emergency provision of weapons and equipment to Israel. (In Hebrew, the exercise is known as "harish amok" - literally, deep furrow.) Opposite Brilakis, at the head of the Israeli team, sat officers from the planning and logistics divisions of the General Staff. At the same time as Republican presidential candidate John McCain and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak were landing in front of the cameras in Sderot, Brilakis was preparing to return to his offices in Stuttgart.
Samstag, 22. März 2008
Hamas-Fatah talks reach breakthrough
Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr al-Qirbi said Saturday that there had been a breakthrough in reconciliation talks between Hamas and Fatah negotiators in Yemen's capital Sana'a, Israel Radio reported. According to the report, al-Qirbi said Fatah had already agreed to the final draft of the accord hammered out in the Yemen talks. The Hamas delegation, however, has asked to consult with its leadership. ... "Hamas is not declining the Yemenite initiative which aims to resolve the rivalry between Hamas and Fatah," Ahmed Youssef, adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, told the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi. Youssef also said that Hamas is maintaining contacts with European representatives. "Most of the Europeans we maintain contact with are British, Swedish, Swiss and French. In most cases they were unofficial European representatives who are helping change the European attitude towards Hamas." ... The Yemeni proposal calls for the situation in the Gaza Strip to return to the way it was before the Hamas takeover and for Palestinian elections to be held [without Dahlan]. The plan also envisages the creation of another unity government and rebuilding of Palestinian security forces along national rather than factional lines. Eine durchaus unerhöhrte Nachricht, dabei mit extremer Vorsicht zu genießen. Der Islamic Jihad und die Hamas treffen sich unterdessen zu offiziellen Verhandlungen über einen Waffenstillstand mit Israel. Die top-Nachrichtenseiten schweigen noch, da diese Nachricht zur Nachricht des Jahres aufsteigen könnte. Eine Hamas-Fatah-Verbindung auf Regierungslevel würde so manches Strategiegebäude der Achse US-Israel-EU zum Einsturz bringen. Allerdings ist der US-Druck auf Abbas die Verhandlungen platzen zu lassen schon unterwegs: U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney will visit Israel on Saturday to try to push forward Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, his spokeswoman said. He will also visit the Palestinian territories over the weekend, before leaving for Turkey, his last stop on a nine-day visit to the Middle East region. "The vice president's discussions will involve the ways forward in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and Israel's right to defend itself against terrorism and to protect its citizenry," Lea Anne McBride, Cheney's spokeswoman, told reporters travelling with him. "The vice president also looks forward to visiting the Palestinian territories to reaffirm the president's commitment to the current efforts towards the two-state solution and efforts to strengthen Palestinian institutions." US-Zeitungen legen den Focus auf den vorhergehenden Besuch in Saudi-Arabien auf den Ölpreis, während israelische Medien natürlich:
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on Friday urged U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney to pressure Israel to seal a peace deal with the Palestinians before President George W. Bush leaves office in January 2009, official Saudi sources said. Cheney, on a 10-day regional tour, arrived Friday in Saudi Arabia where he met Abdullah at the king's al-Janadriya horse farm near Riyadh. Sources said Saudi Arabia is not happy with the "slow" pace of US efforts to push the Middle East peace process by putting pressure on Israel to reach a peace agreement and end the building of settlements and excavations around Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.
A Palestinian security officer and four civilians were injured, one seriously, during a shoot-out between Palestinian Authority forces and dozens of armed men on Saturday morning in the village of Huwwara, south of the city of Nablus. Palestinian medics told Ma'an's correspondent in Nablus that officer Bashar Attiyani was injured in the foot, while local Palestinian sources said that 30-year-old civilian Nur Al-Akhras was seriously injured in the head. The governor of Nablus, Jamal Muheisin told Ma'an that security forces were attempting to arrest the armed men in response to requests from Huwwara residents. [...] Der gestern als verschüttet gemeldete Schmuggler ist mittlerweile tod geborgen worden. [...] Wie ein Mauerschießbefehl zum Rohrkrepierer wird? "Threatened by Israeli snipers, villagers in Al-Khadr protest construction of Israeli wall" [Maan].
Daniel Williams, "An ancient Gaza clan despairs for its future": The first Shawas came to Gaza from the Arabian peninsula 600 years ago with a herd of sheep and business sense, so the lore goes. Over time, they multiplied and became farmers and merchants, politicians and rebels, physicians and builders. For Khaled Shabaan Assad al-Shawa, his clan's saga is both a source of family pride and a reminder that the city was not always synonymous with despair, displacement and upheaval. Before thousands of refugees arrived and conflict between Israel and the Palestinians became endless, Gaza was a place of culture, trade and legend. "Gaza is not just what you see in the newspapers," says Shabaan, 65, a retired school principal. "There are centuries of history here, though in the current situation, it's hard to remember that." Nana, Williams, wie kann man denn bei einem Bericht über diese Familie die Malerin Laila al-Shawa vergessen?
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on Friday urged U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney to pressure Israel to seal a peace deal with the Palestinians before President George W. Bush leaves office in January 2009, official Saudi sources said. Cheney, on a 10-day regional tour, arrived Friday in Saudi Arabia where he met Abdullah at the king's al-Janadriya horse farm near Riyadh. Sources said Saudi Arabia is not happy with the "slow" pace of US efforts to push the Middle East peace process by putting pressure on Israel to reach a peace agreement and end the building of settlements and excavations around Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.
A Palestinian security officer and four civilians were injured, one seriously, during a shoot-out between Palestinian Authority forces and dozens of armed men on Saturday morning in the village of Huwwara, south of the city of Nablus. Palestinian medics told Ma'an's correspondent in Nablus that officer Bashar Attiyani was injured in the foot, while local Palestinian sources said that 30-year-old civilian Nur Al-Akhras was seriously injured in the head. The governor of Nablus, Jamal Muheisin told Ma'an that security forces were attempting to arrest the armed men in response to requests from Huwwara residents. [...] Der gestern als verschüttet gemeldete Schmuggler ist mittlerweile tod geborgen worden. [...] Wie ein Mauerschießbefehl zum Rohrkrepierer wird? "Threatened by Israeli snipers, villagers in Al-Khadr protest construction of Israeli wall" [Maan].
Daniel Williams, "An ancient Gaza clan despairs for its future": The first Shawas came to Gaza from the Arabian peninsula 600 years ago with a herd of sheep and business sense, so the lore goes. Over time, they multiplied and became farmers and merchants, politicians and rebels, physicians and builders. For Khaled Shabaan Assad al-Shawa, his clan's saga is both a source of family pride and a reminder that the city was not always synonymous with despair, displacement and upheaval. Before thousands of refugees arrived and conflict between Israel and the Palestinians became endless, Gaza was a place of culture, trade and legend. "Gaza is not just what you see in the newspapers," says Shabaan, 65, a retired school principal. "There are centuries of history here, though in the current situation, it's hard to remember that." Nana, Williams, wie kann man denn bei einem Bericht über diese Familie die Malerin Laila al-Shawa vergessen?
Updates - Work accident kills One
*** Gazastreifen: Am Freitag wird ein Hamas-Mitglied in Khan Younis durch eine Explosion in einem Hamas-Treffpunkt getötet, ein weiterer schwer verletzt. Kategorie: "Work Accident". Bei einem zweiten "Work Accident" werden fünf palästinensische Schmuggler in einem zusammenstürzenden Tunnel begraben. Vier können gerettet werden, ein Verschütteter gilt noch als vermißt. Bereits am Donnerstag wurden zwei Hamas-Mitglieder in Tal al-Hawa bei einem ähnlichen Vorfall getötet. Ursprüngliche Meldungen die von einem Luftangriff der Israelis berichtet hatten werden später richtig gestellt. Während die israelische Seite drei Qassam-Raketenabschüsse notiert [diese bislang nicht bestätigt werden] möchte der Islamic Jihad bei Abasan auf Gaza-Territorium israelische Militärfahrzeuge mit Mörsergranaten attackiert haben [ebenso unbestätigt]. Unterdessen wird eine Kabinettsumbildung im Gazastreifen diskutiert, die wohl unabhängige oder Fatah-related Personen im Auge hat, also eine Einheitsregierung by learning: Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip Ismail Haniyeh will expand his government in an effort to strengthen his hold on the coastal territory, an official close to the Hamas government in Gaza said on Friday. Haniyeh's decision to cement Hamas's grip on Gaza opposes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's demand that the Islamist group hand over control of the enclave as delegations from the rival factions meet in Yemen for reconciliation talks. Hamas Islamists took over Gaza after routing more secular Fatah forces loyal to Abbas in June. "There are consultations to enlarge the government lead by Ismail Haniyeh," the official told Reuters. "The prime minister in Gaza offered some Palestinian figures to participate in the government and they have expressed an initial readiness to participate." [...] Hamas expressed doubt Friday that Yemeni-sponsored reconciliation talks with Fatah would succeed, despite an agreement to extend the discussions for an extra day. At the request of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the rival Palestinian factions agreed to meet on Saturday in a last-ditch push for a breakthrough. "Fatah is trying to avoid reaching an agreement by all possible means," said Ayman Taha, a Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, which the Islamist group seized in June after routing Abbas' Fatah forces. [...] Derweil wird die Anzahl von Ägyptischen Bürgern die im Gazastreifen seit wochen eingeschlossen sind und die nicht ausreisen können auf etwa 2500 taxiert. Man berichtet von ersten Hungerstreiks.
*** Westbank: "We are aware that there is a document circulating that purports to be a letter from Tony Blair, supposedly with his views of Palestinian politicians and the peace process. As far as we are tell, this fake letter originated on an Israeli gossip website. This letter is a complete fabrication and I can categorically deny that Mr Blair has anything to do with anything like this. Such a letter never existed." Offizielle Stellungnahme von Matthew Doyle, Sprecher von Blair zur Debka-Meldung er sei zurück getreten. [...] A 13-year-old boy was wounded Thursday night in a terror attack targeting the car in which he was travelling near Hebron. The boy suffered light to moderate wounds and was evacuated to Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem for medical care. [...] Verhaftungswellen-Niveau an den letzten zwei Tage "exzessiv": In Qabatia entkommen zwei Milizenführer des Islamic Jihad ihrer möglichen Verhaftung, oder extralegalen Tötung. Die Fatah geht gegen Hamas-nahe "Intelligenz" vor: Unter sechs Verhafteten sind ein Lehrer, Student und der Direktor des Polytechnischen Instituts an der an-Najah-Universität. Die IDF inhaftiert zwölf Personen, darunter eine 17-jährige des al-Khatib-clans im Balata-Flüchtlingslager. [Mir fällt da immer gleich die Rana al-Khatib ein, auch wenn die Verwandtschaftsgrade nicht erschließbar sind.] ... Palestinian health minister Fathi Abu Maghli confirmed on Friday that investigations are continuing into the smuggling of counterfeit medicines and expired food products that are being sold in the Palestinian market. He added that a report will be issued within the next few days that will include data, facts and figures about the extent of the problem. During a press conference at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health in Ramallah on Thursday evening Abu Maghli called on citizens not to be affected by scaremongering concerning expired drugs and food. [...] Messianic Jews: We're subjected to harassment - Members of controversial Jewish sect speak out against ill treatment at hands of religious Jews in wake of blast that severely injured 15-year-old youth belonging to their community.
*** Sonstiges: Israel has agreed to let Russia deliver 25 armored vehicles to Palestinian security forces in the West Bank, a Defense Ministry spokesman said Friday - a move meant to bolster moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in his fierce struggle with Islamic Hamas militants. Russia had proposed shipping the armored vehicles to Palestinian security forces two years ago, but Israel initially balked, fearing the cars would fall into Hamas' hands. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday during a visit to the West Bank city of Ramallah that Israel should end the blockade of the Gaza Strip and halt all settlement activity.
After meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Lavrov told a press conference that the blockade, imposed by Israel and Egypt after Hamas seized control of Gaza in June, is unacceptable. Lavrov added that Russia was very much concerned about Israeli construction on land the Palestinians claim for a future state. "We call for an immediate halt to settlement activity," he said. On Thursday, Lavrov met with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who expressed concern over Russia's continuing supply of sophisticated weaponry to Syria and Iran. Olmert stressed Israel's fear that these weapons, including advanced anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft missiles, could find their way into the hands of the Lebanon-based guerilla group Hezbollah, supported by Syria and Iran, which has threatened to destroy Israel. Lavrov responded by saying that Russia has no knowledge of Hezbollah possessing Russian weapons, and that if Israel has any information on the topic, Russia would be happy to look into it. [Sieht eher nichts so aus als ob Abbas in Moskau erfolgreich für das Alleinvertretungsrecht der PLO für Palästinenser geworben habe.] ... The Israel Air Force ordered all F-16I fighter jets grounded Friday, after a carcinogenic material was found in the cockpit of one of the planes. IAF Commander Eliezer Shkedy ordered an examination of strong smells in the cockpit following several complaints by pilots. The Medical Corps examination found that the material in question was formaldehyde, which was recently recognized as a carcinogenic substance in high levels of exposure. [...] Syria is ready to renew negotiations with Israel on condition that this move will not influence the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, the country's foreign minister, Walid Moallem, was quoted as saying Friday. Morgen werde ich mal einen größeren post zu den Vorgängen Libanon-Syrien schreiben. Äußersts interessante entwicklungen aber auch Kämpfe in den Flüchtlingslagern des Libanon mit mindestens einem Toten.]
Akiva Eldar mit einem special über Salam Fayyad: "I had a wonderful day," Salam Fayyad says with a big smile, in his spacious office. A few hours earlier, the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority had received $150 million from the U.S. consul general in Jerusalem. This is far from the largest amount ever handled by Fayyad, a veteran official at the International Monetary Fund, who holds a Ph.D. in economics. What moved him was the American government's readiness to deposit its rapidly thinning dollars into the PA's bank account. And not in controlled infrastructure or a specific project, but as aid to finance the activities, and even the salaries, of his civil servants. At a time of economic distress in the United States, generous financing like this can truly be considered a certificate of appreciation and trust.
*** Iran: US Vice President Dick Cheney was set to meet Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh on Friday for talks expected to focus on the Iranian threat, among other pressing issues. Cheney's advisors said that a long list of discussion topics included Iran, Syria, Lebanon, protecting infrastructure against terror attacks and the vice president's visit this week to Iraq and Afghanistan. [...] Germany and Israel will try to initiate an international conference aimed at stopping Iran's nuclear program, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed during their working meeting in Jerusalem on Monday. Haaretz has meanwhile learned that Iran has provided Syria with more than $1 billion for arms purchases, reflecting Syria's drive to build up its military power in the last year, as well as the strengthening of ties between the two countries. Olmert and Merkel discussed steps to continue the international pressure on Iran that has developed following the third round of sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council. Both leaders voiced ideas on increasing the pressure on Iran and enlisting the international community to support the effort. A senior source said that Olmert had suggested holding an international conference on Iran. The two leaders decided to advance the initiative and will try to enlist other states to back it, including the United States, France, Britain, Russia and China, as well as other European states and Arab countries that are threatened by Iran's nuclear program. [...] Dazu interne riften zum Steinmeier-Clan: Nach der Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) vor der Knesset am Dienstag in Jerusalem wird im Libanon eine einseitige Verengung der deutschen Nahost-Politik befürchtet. Das sagte der SPD-Außenpolitiker Rolf Mützenich nach einem Besuch in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut am Freitag dem "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Samstagsausgabe). Der Nahost-Experte seiner Fraktion sagte nach Gesprächen unter anderem mit dem libanesischen Ministerpräsidenten Fuad Siniora und dem prosyrischen Oppositionsführer Michel Aoun, aber auch Vertretern der Hisbollah: "Man weiß um die historische Verantwortung Deutschlands für Israel, aber im Libanon hat man es vermisst, dass die Kanzlerin sich nicht wenigstens am Rande einer Pressekonferenz auch zu Palästina geäußert hat."
Zum Abschluß: Es war einmal ein Land das an einem Karfreitag einen Krieg begann der jetzt seinen 5ten Karfreitag überdauet hat. Dieses Land hat selbsternannte Vertreter in Deutschland sitzen die zwar nichts zu den Themen Geschlechtertrennung, Homosexuellen-Phobie, Rassismus, abseitige Ideologien und Verfolgung Andersdenkender in ihren eigenen Reihen beizutragen haben, aber... wo ein Kamera, da ein Skandal: Die Präsidentin des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Knobloch, hat die Wiederzulassung einer früheren Karfreitagsbitte, in der Katholiken für die Erleuchtung der Juden beten, scharf kritisiert. Der Dialog mit der Katholischen Kirche ist ausgesetzt. Ausgerechnet zu Ostern flammt ein alter Glaubenskonflikt wieder auf: In der neuen Karfreitagsfürbitte des Vatikans wird für die "Erleuchtung" der Juden gebetet. Kommentar: Wenns um zahlungskräftige und politisch "einwandfreie" Lutheraner geht wird sogar der Luther von Rabbinern von Antisemitismus reingewaschen. Das Feindbild Ratzinger aber wird wegen so einem Scheiß als legitimer Nachfolger von Hitler diskreditiert. Ich ergänze meine Karfreitagsfürbitte um den Artikel: "Herr wirft dem Zentralrat und seinen Adepten Hirn rah!"
*** Westbank: "We are aware that there is a document circulating that purports to be a letter from Tony Blair, supposedly with his views of Palestinian politicians and the peace process. As far as we are tell, this fake letter originated on an Israeli gossip website. This letter is a complete fabrication and I can categorically deny that Mr Blair has anything to do with anything like this. Such a letter never existed." Offizielle Stellungnahme von Matthew Doyle, Sprecher von Blair zur Debka-Meldung er sei zurück getreten. [...] A 13-year-old boy was wounded Thursday night in a terror attack targeting the car in which he was travelling near Hebron. The boy suffered light to moderate wounds and was evacuated to Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem for medical care. [...] Verhaftungswellen-Niveau an den letzten zwei Tage "exzessiv": In Qabatia entkommen zwei Milizenführer des Islamic Jihad ihrer möglichen Verhaftung, oder extralegalen Tötung. Die Fatah geht gegen Hamas-nahe "Intelligenz" vor: Unter sechs Verhafteten sind ein Lehrer, Student und der Direktor des Polytechnischen Instituts an der an-Najah-Universität. Die IDF inhaftiert zwölf Personen, darunter eine 17-jährige des al-Khatib-clans im Balata-Flüchtlingslager. [Mir fällt da immer gleich die Rana al-Khatib ein, auch wenn die Verwandtschaftsgrade nicht erschließbar sind.] ... Palestinian health minister Fathi Abu Maghli confirmed on Friday that investigations are continuing into the smuggling of counterfeit medicines and expired food products that are being sold in the Palestinian market. He added that a report will be issued within the next few days that will include data, facts and figures about the extent of the problem. During a press conference at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health in Ramallah on Thursday evening Abu Maghli called on citizens not to be affected by scaremongering concerning expired drugs and food. [...] Messianic Jews: We're subjected to harassment - Members of controversial Jewish sect speak out against ill treatment at hands of religious Jews in wake of blast that severely injured 15-year-old youth belonging to their community.
*** Sonstiges: Israel has agreed to let Russia deliver 25 armored vehicles to Palestinian security forces in the West Bank, a Defense Ministry spokesman said Friday - a move meant to bolster moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in his fierce struggle with Islamic Hamas militants. Russia had proposed shipping the armored vehicles to Palestinian security forces two years ago, but Israel initially balked, fearing the cars would fall into Hamas' hands. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday during a visit to the West Bank city of Ramallah that Israel should end the blockade of the Gaza Strip and halt all settlement activity.
After meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Lavrov told a press conference that the blockade, imposed by Israel and Egypt after Hamas seized control of Gaza in June, is unacceptable. Lavrov added that Russia was very much concerned about Israeli construction on land the Palestinians claim for a future state. "We call for an immediate halt to settlement activity," he said. On Thursday, Lavrov met with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who expressed concern over Russia's continuing supply of sophisticated weaponry to Syria and Iran. Olmert stressed Israel's fear that these weapons, including advanced anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft missiles, could find their way into the hands of the Lebanon-based guerilla group Hezbollah, supported by Syria and Iran, which has threatened to destroy Israel. Lavrov responded by saying that Russia has no knowledge of Hezbollah possessing Russian weapons, and that if Israel has any information on the topic, Russia would be happy to look into it. [Sieht eher nichts so aus als ob Abbas in Moskau erfolgreich für das Alleinvertretungsrecht der PLO für Palästinenser geworben habe.] ... The Israel Air Force ordered all F-16I fighter jets grounded Friday, after a carcinogenic material was found in the cockpit of one of the planes. IAF Commander Eliezer Shkedy ordered an examination of strong smells in the cockpit following several complaints by pilots. The Medical Corps examination found that the material in question was formaldehyde, which was recently recognized as a carcinogenic substance in high levels of exposure. [...] Syria is ready to renew negotiations with Israel on condition that this move will not influence the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, the country's foreign minister, Walid Moallem, was quoted as saying Friday. Morgen werde ich mal einen größeren post zu den Vorgängen Libanon-Syrien schreiben. Äußersts interessante entwicklungen aber auch Kämpfe in den Flüchtlingslagern des Libanon mit mindestens einem Toten.]
Akiva Eldar mit einem special über Salam Fayyad: "I had a wonderful day," Salam Fayyad says with a big smile, in his spacious office. A few hours earlier, the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority had received $150 million from the U.S. consul general in Jerusalem. This is far from the largest amount ever handled by Fayyad, a veteran official at the International Monetary Fund, who holds a Ph.D. in economics. What moved him was the American government's readiness to deposit its rapidly thinning dollars into the PA's bank account. And not in controlled infrastructure or a specific project, but as aid to finance the activities, and even the salaries, of his civil servants. At a time of economic distress in the United States, generous financing like this can truly be considered a certificate of appreciation and trust.
*** Iran: US Vice President Dick Cheney was set to meet Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh on Friday for talks expected to focus on the Iranian threat, among other pressing issues. Cheney's advisors said that a long list of discussion topics included Iran, Syria, Lebanon, protecting infrastructure against terror attacks and the vice president's visit this week to Iraq and Afghanistan. [...] Germany and Israel will try to initiate an international conference aimed at stopping Iran's nuclear program, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed during their working meeting in Jerusalem on Monday. Haaretz has meanwhile learned that Iran has provided Syria with more than $1 billion for arms purchases, reflecting Syria's drive to build up its military power in the last year, as well as the strengthening of ties between the two countries. Olmert and Merkel discussed steps to continue the international pressure on Iran that has developed following the third round of sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council. Both leaders voiced ideas on increasing the pressure on Iran and enlisting the international community to support the effort. A senior source said that Olmert had suggested holding an international conference on Iran. The two leaders decided to advance the initiative and will try to enlist other states to back it, including the United States, France, Britain, Russia and China, as well as other European states and Arab countries that are threatened by Iran's nuclear program. [...] Dazu interne riften zum Steinmeier-Clan: Nach der Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) vor der Knesset am Dienstag in Jerusalem wird im Libanon eine einseitige Verengung der deutschen Nahost-Politik befürchtet. Das sagte der SPD-Außenpolitiker Rolf Mützenich nach einem Besuch in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut am Freitag dem "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Samstagsausgabe). Der Nahost-Experte seiner Fraktion sagte nach Gesprächen unter anderem mit dem libanesischen Ministerpräsidenten Fuad Siniora und dem prosyrischen Oppositionsführer Michel Aoun, aber auch Vertretern der Hisbollah: "Man weiß um die historische Verantwortung Deutschlands für Israel, aber im Libanon hat man es vermisst, dass die Kanzlerin sich nicht wenigstens am Rande einer Pressekonferenz auch zu Palästina geäußert hat."
Zum Abschluß: Es war einmal ein Land das an einem Karfreitag einen Krieg begann der jetzt seinen 5ten Karfreitag überdauet hat. Dieses Land hat selbsternannte Vertreter in Deutschland sitzen die zwar nichts zu den Themen Geschlechtertrennung, Homosexuellen-Phobie, Rassismus, abseitige Ideologien und Verfolgung Andersdenkender in ihren eigenen Reihen beizutragen haben, aber... wo ein Kamera, da ein Skandal: Die Präsidentin des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Knobloch, hat die Wiederzulassung einer früheren Karfreitagsbitte, in der Katholiken für die Erleuchtung der Juden beten, scharf kritisiert. Der Dialog mit der Katholischen Kirche ist ausgesetzt. Ausgerechnet zu Ostern flammt ein alter Glaubenskonflikt wieder auf: In der neuen Karfreitagsfürbitte des Vatikans wird für die "Erleuchtung" der Juden gebetet. Kommentar: Wenns um zahlungskräftige und politisch "einwandfreie" Lutheraner geht wird sogar der Luther von Rabbinern von Antisemitismus reingewaschen. Das Feindbild Ratzinger aber wird wegen so einem Scheiß als legitimer Nachfolger von Hitler diskreditiert. Ich ergänze meine Karfreitagsfürbitte um den Artikel: "Herr wirft dem Zentralrat und seinen Adepten Hirn rah!"
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