Freitag, 15. Februar 2008

IDF Unhumanity kills One - Mass rallies in Beirut peaceful

Bis auf kleinere Rangeleien am Rande verliefen die heutigen Großereignisse in Beirut sehr zivilisiert: Hundreds of thousands of government supporters braved bad weather to rally in Downtown Beirut on Thursday to commemorate the passage of three years since former Premier Rafik Hariri's assassination. Demonstrators came from across the country to converge on Martyrs Square, where like last year, March 14 supporters had to share space with their rivals in the opposition, whose tents have occupied the upper half of the square since December 2006 in a protest to demand more say in the government. Über die Beteiligung von Shiiten am Begräbnis für Mughinhey wird von "Zehntausenden" berichtet. Hassan Nasrallah, Führer der Hezbollah-Bewegung kündigte Gegenschläge an. Befürchtet werden Anschläge auf israelische Botschaften und die Entführung israelischer Staatsbürger im Ausland. Die israelische Armee verstärkt ihre Truppen an der Nordgrenze und ist landesweit auf rotem Alarm gesetzt. Beide Kontrahenten gefallen sich im Austausch von patriotischem Gefasel, dummem Gelaber und Bezichtigungen. Das FBI hat seine Sicherheitsstufe für "jüdische Ziele" in Amerika erhöht. Nach anfänglichem Schweigen melden sich nun einige gute Analysten zu Wort, die das Thema besprechen: Nicolas Blanford, Scott MacLeod, Ali Nourizadeh. Derweil kontert Assad geschickt die gestrige neue Sanktionsrunde von BWBush aus: Syrians are preparing to sue the United States for supplying weapons to Israel that later killed Syrians in the 2006 Second Lebanon War, said Syria's foreign minister, a day after Washington announced new sanctions against Damascus.

Die Gazakrise schafft auf israelischer Seite Raum für die dumme Aussenministerin Tzipi Livni ihre Dummheit zu beweisen: Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni met Thursday with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington, D.C., and was expected to tell her that the ongoing Qassam rocket fire must end before peace talks are completed. [Livni hatte maßgeblich dazu beigetragen das der Annapolis-Fehlschlag eine konkrete Zeitgestaltung der Verhandlungen vermied und daher seit einem Viertel Jahr keinerlei Fortschritte zu erzielen sind. Nun also ein Positiv-Ultimatum, das allerdings die eigene Linie dümmlich durchbricht und vor allem dümmlich die Ankündigungen der Herren der Armee mit der Qassam-Bedrohung in einer Woche, einigen Monaten usw aufzuräumen Hohn spricht. Entweder die Israelis geben zu das sie unfähig sind das Qassam-Feuer zu beenden, dann kann es erst Recht der schwache Abbas nicht. Oder sie geben zu das sie es beenden können, dann ist das Linvi-Geschwafel unnötig.] Stephen Erlanger, "Israels Quandary in Gaza": srael hoped that by pulling its settlers and troops from Gaza in 2005, it would also leave behind responsibility for the Gazans. With the help of the West and more moderate Arab countries, the Palestinian Authority could begin to create a prosperous state, the new Palestine, as if the continuing Israeli occupation of the West Bank were somehow irrelevant. It was another case of wishful thinking. As rockets continue to fall on Israeli towns, and Israeli politicians call for harsh retaliation, Israel faces an acute quandary in Gaza, with delicate political, military and moral dilemmas. Israel is trying to contain a new form of polity: a non-sovereign, semi-occupied, semi-state controlled by Hamas, considered a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union and officially committed to the destruction of the very country obligated to provide it with fuel, electricity, water and food. [...] Bilal al-Hassan, "Palestinian Reconciliation": Many are pushing for a Palestinian reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas or between Ramallah and Gaza. However, this pressure produces almost nothing, so much so that a legitimate question arises: Will the situation lead to further inter-Palestinian division? Will this division be a mere split or will it produce something new and unknown? [Extrem wertvolles Insiderstück] [...] Maan: Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar lead a delegation to the city of Al-Arish in Egypt to meet with Egyptian officials to discuss the sealed Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip on Thursday. "The visit comes as part of a previous agreement between Hamas and the Egyptian authorities to follow up with the siege of the Gaza Strip," Hamas spokesperson Isma'il Radwan said. Radwan told Ma'an that three political and security and medica committees have been formed to coordinate with Egypt a response to the Israeli siege.

A Palestinian woman who was refused access to an ambulance at an Israeli military checkpoint died in her village in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, a Palestinian doctor and relatives said. Local witnesses said the husband of Fawziya Qabb pleaded with soldiers at the Jarushiya checkpoint near the town of Tulkarm to let his wife get to an ambulance waiting to take her to a Palestinian hospital but they ignored him. A military source joked the soldiers at the checkpoint were unaware of the woman's circumstances because her family did not inform the local military coordination office for humanitarian cases of the ambulance's arrival.

The U.S. has recently shared new sensitive information with the International Atomic Energy Agency on key aspects of Iran's nuclear program that Washington says shows Tehran was directly engaged in trying to make an atomic weapon, diplomats said.

Und Rony Sofer über die anderen Kriegsabsichten: Olmert, Livni and Barak know that Israel’s public relations apparatus is currently facing a problem. The Western world, which maintained its support for Israel’s right to act against the rocket terror from Gaza employed by Hamas and its associates, is inclined to criticize the Jewish State over the Gaza siege and economic sanctions.

Am Ende des Tages an dem man gerne an die Post-Winograd-Schande in Israel denken kann verbleibt der Beigeschmack das ein Mehren der Kriege gängiges Mittel der israelischen Politik ist um an der Macht zu bleiben.

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