Dienstag, 19. Februar 2008

IDF kills One - Others Two

Am Dienstag Morgen wird ein Kämpfer der Splittergruppe "Democratic Front" östlich von Dir al-Balah bei Kämpfen mit israelsichen Einheiten getötet. Nach israelischen angaben handelte es sich um einen Angriff auf Truppen an der Grenze und man habe zurück geschossen. Weitere Zwischenfälle werden vom Kissufim-Crossing gemeldet. Am Morgen werden fünf Qassam-Raketen auf israelische Ziele abgeschossen. Dabei wird südlich von Ashkelon eine Hühnerfarm getroffen. Unterdessen hat die ägyptische Polizei eine erste Abschiebeaktion von Palästinensern die in el-Arish gestranded waren abgeschlossen. Insgesamt wurden 334 Personen in den Gazastreifen "entlassen". An der Grenze zu Israel wird ein Sudanese bei der illagelen Einreise von Ägyptern erschossen. Weitere acht Personen werden verhaftet. In der Vorwoche war eine Eriträerin erschossen worden, ihre beiden Kinder wurden "inhaftiert". [eine Problemzone die es nicht in die gängigen Medien schafft.] Hamas-Führer Ismail Haniyeh sendet derweil einen Brandbrief an den Generalsekretär der Arabischen Liga, Amr Moussa in dem die arabischen Brüder aufgefordert werden die Israelische Blockade des Gazastreifens zu beenden. Ein Akt der Handlungsfähigkeit und Konkurrenz zum Alleinvetretungsanspruch der PLO symbolisieren soll. An der Realitätsfront geht scheinbar den palästinensischen Ambulanzen langsam das Benzin aus.

In der Libanesischen Grenzstadt Qaa im Bekaa-Tal wird durch ein syrisches Sonderkommando ein 41-jähriger in seinem Haus überfallen und erschossen. Während dessen fährt die libanesische Armee um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten schwere Geschütze auf: Internal Security Forces (ISF) chief Brigadier General Ashraf Rifi told The Daily Star on Monday that the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) will deploy heavily in "security pits," a reference to areas where violent clashes have erupted between government and opposition supporters over last week. Rifi said representatives of the feuding parties insisted their groups were not responsible for the clashes, and blamed the sudden violence on "security pits" in different areas of the capital. Following weekend clashes in Beirut that wounded at least 14 people, Lebanese Army intelligence chief General Georges Khoury and a number of the county's top security officials met late Sunday with representatives of Hizbullah, the Amal Movement and the Future Movement in an effort to contain tensions in Beirut and prevent future clashes. Während man sich mit Investigationen bei politischen Morden schwer tut "darf" ein Ermittler gegen insgesamt 56 Personen Strafverfahren einleiten: State Prosecutor Saeed Mirza released on Monday evening the results of his inquiry into the 2007 twin bus bombing in the Ain Alaq region, eastern Beirut. Mirza filed charges against the fugitive leader of the Fatah al-Islam group Shaker al-Abssi, and four Syrians, Mustapha Siyou, Farid Nassan, Yasser Shuqayri and Ghazi Nassan for plotting for the bombing and for the "intentional" murder of innocent civilians. Derweil tobt bezüglich der Mughniyeh-Affaire eine editorial-Schlacht: Tensions are growing in Lebanon over the possibility of renewed fighting between Israel and Hezbollah in the wake fo the assassination of terrorist mastermind Imad Mughniyah in Damascus last week. [...] Rhetoric between rival factions in Lebanon has reached a new peak with Druze leader Walid Jumblat accusing Hezbollah in an editorial to be published Tuesday in his party's journal, Al Anba, of serving Syrian interests at Lebanon's expense in its war against Israel. "Lebanon continues to be the arena where wars break out according to their [Hezbollah's] calculations, interests and circumstances, as if the occupied Syrian territory [Golan Heights] is not suitable for such campaign." [...] Senior Syrian officials will hold a press conference in the coming days in order to present progress in the investigation into the assassination of Hezbollah's deputy leader Imad Mughniyah, who was killed last week in a Damascus blast, a Lebanese newspaper reported Tuesday. The Hezbollah-linked Al-Akhbar said Syria has decided not to make the details of the investigation public at this time, until the investigation progresses and is able to clarify who was responsible for the attack. [al-Ahkbar wie üblich mit größter Vorsicht zu geniessen.] Zudem: The Shin Bet has decided that Israeli ministers will be accompanied by security guards during their private vacations abroad, following the assassination of Hizbullah commander Imad Mugniyah last week, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. The General Security Service has improved the ministers' security procedures for fear that Hizbullah would attempt to avenge the killing, and the new instructions have been relayed to security officers at the various government offices.

In der Westbank ist Terror-as-usual angesagt: In Nablus wird eine Studentin der an-Najah durch marodierende Israelische Milizionäre verschleppt nachdem man ihre Wohnung zertrümmerte. Die Fatah verhaftet 7 Hamas-Mitglieder. Nachdem wir über "Zäune zu Ägypten" in der Presse nichts mehr lesen durften sind die folgenden Aktionen bezüglich des Dimona-bombings [Täterschaft] eindeutig: Israel has imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinians in the northern West Bank since the Dimona bombing on February 4 that killed an Israeli woman, according to the B'Tselem, the Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Palestinian territories. In the districts of Jenin, Nablus and Tulkarem districts all Palestinian men between the ages of 16-35 are prevented from leaving the area without special permits, which are rarely granted. Testimonies taken by B'Tselem indicated that during the past two weeks, these restrictions have also been imposed on women of this age group. In the past few days, similar restrictions have been introduced in the city of Qalqilya. [...] Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told a group of American Jewish leaders in Jerusalem on Tuesday that peace is making little progress and a peace agreement won't be possible by the end of the year if the pace isn't quickened. [...] A senior Jerusalem source said Monday that Olmert and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had agreed to defer talks on Jerusalem to the final stage of negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. The source said Olmert and Rice had talked on the telephone about a week and a half ago, and that Rice accepted Olmert's position that discussing Jerusalem at the very beginning could jam the negotiations and obstruct them. [Lustig. Schiedsrichterin Verbrannter Riceauflauf gibt dem palästinesischen Mittelfeldmotor Jeru Sa-lemfrage in der ersten Minute die Rote Karte wegen Meckerns der Shas-Zuschauer über die Bestrebungen der palästinensischen Mannschaft das Orient-Haus wieder zu eröffnen. Dabei begann das spiel schon beim Stand von 11:0 für Israel.]

Darüber muß ich mich erstmal näher informieren. Interessante Ansichten vertritt Meir Golan: Golan, who was addressing the Knesset State Control Committee, said that in recent years, approximately NIS 500m were invested in fortifying Sderot, with the bulk of the funds going towards bolstering public institutions.

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