Montag, 31. Dezember 2007

Sometimes not sad, but disgusting ...

or the art of reading newspapers

What Israel can read.

What Germany can read.

Point I: Haaretz is focusing on "The reaction has been positive, according to Roemer-Hillebrecht, except from neo-Nazis who have made disparaging remarks about it on the Internet." Tagesspiegel has no Neo-Nazis, but "Allerdings sei der Dienst von Juden nach Einschätzung von BjS-Gründungsmitglied Gideon Römer-Hillebrecht, Oberstleutnant im Generalstab beim Führungsstab der Streitkräfte, innerhalb der jüdischen Gemeinschaft in Deutschland wegen der nationalsozialistischen Mordtaten noch immer ein strittiges „Unthema“." [a controversial topic in the jewish community]

Point II. Haaretz has less "Fürst" and cuts off the surename of Römer-Hillebrecht. Sven Gideon. Fürst because "Aufgewachsen bin ich als deutscher Jude, aber nicht vorrangig mit jüdischer Identität." [Grown up as german jew, but not preferential as a jew - funny]. And Römer-Hillebrecht? A jew with the surename "Sven"? You can not sell that story in Israel!

Point ugly: Israelis can read: "The army's top soldier, Inspector-General Wolfgang Schneiderhan, sees the presence of Jews in the military as a signal of hope and an indication that "no terror will come from German uniforms ever again." Germans can read: "„hoffnungsvolles Signal“, das „zum Wohle“ des „deutschen Vaterlandes“ beitrage." [A hopeful sign for the sake of the German Fatherland]

Point PS: "Some 100,000 Jews fought for Germany during World War I. Thousands were decorated for bravery and 12,000 were killed in action." - "80 000 davon kämpften an der Front, 35 000 wurden für Tapferkeit ausgezeichnet, und 12 000 starben auf deutscher Seite." [On the german side. French jews, or british, or americans are not mentioned at Haaretz, cause they have not achieved 43.75% of decoration for bravery. The Tagesspiegel wants us to think that there are "other" jews that fougtht against Germany. Motives ... in the dark of stereotypes]

And don't forget: These people receive money for it.

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